Chapter 18: A new Beginning

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Thalia's PoV

Here we were, standing in the neverending darkness in the deepest part of Tartarus, yet there was a ray of light. Percy Jackson walked smiling brightly towards us. This idiot managed to disappear... come back... then die and now returning back from the dead.

First thing I wanted to do was hug him in combination with beating the crap out of him for being so reckless! But... as I looked towards Artemis and saw the happiness of seeing Percy slowly turn into a pissed off expression I couldn't help but smirk a little.

"Hey there..." He said rubbing the back of his head.

There it was again; the desire to beat him senseless but before I could act Mrs O'Leary barked happily and wrestled the idiot to the ground licking him all over.

"Okay girl, I am happy to see you too... Come ... on stop... now." He pushed her off and stroked her slightly.

I was the next to run up to him hugging him, while I was glad he wasn't... wet...

"I am glad you are back... and don't you dare die again!"

"I didn't plan to..." He answered me jokingly. When I stepped back and glared at him angrily he cringed awaiting a hit which never came...

"No beating up...?" I gave him a sweet smile while I answered.

"No... Not from me anyway." The oblivious dark haired boy looked at me questioningly. I just made way for Nico.

"Hey Percy glad that you are alive..." Percy put on his typical grin.

"Thanks, dead boy." Nico gave him one last look of pity and patted him on the shoulder.

"Nice catch you git ther by the way..." He glanced at Artemis " Well... Good luck bro..." Again Percy didn't understand the implications, but his grin faltered when he felt the angry glare from Lady Artemis... He bowed slightly before he spoke for whatever reason... men.

"Hello Lady Artemis... I am glad you are safe..." Artemis stare only hardened.

"How dare you... " I could only smirk imagining all the things Lady Artemis would do to him... He deserved it...

Percy flinched at her tone of authority.

"How dare you as a mere demi-god, as a man no less think that you have to protect me?" She seemed really angry and cold and rather scary. Well I knew why she would 'scold' him like this, why she was angry with him for 'protecting' her , why she didn't want him to be so reckless ... but Percy as the idiot he is wouldn't.

"Well, I didn't think we would see each other again anyway..." He said casually while Artemis demeanor changed yet again her cold stare faltering turning into a desperate look. I too was shocked, while Nico just stood there stroking Mrs O'Leary. I spoke out what both Lady Artemis and I were thinking.

"You didn't know you were immortal?" Percy turned to me and looked as if I asked the stupidest question in the universe.

"How would I? It's not like I died before..." Lady Artemis seemed irritated.

"You thought you would die for real and you sacrificed your life for an immortal?"

"Yeah I guess..." Suddenly Lady Artemis moved faster than I could follow...


The sound echoed through the halls of Tartarus and brought silence.

"Imbecile! I am a goddess, an immortal and death doesn't matter to me! I don't need help from you!"

Artemis had again her cold demeanor and was agitated. Percy said nothing for a moment his eyes wide from the slap, then he turned serious.

" Don't you feel pain?" Artemis seemed surprised at the question, but said nothing until Percy continued.

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