Chapter 8: Percy?

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Nico's PoV

When I opened my eyes I saw PJ staring at me. He then began to grin. At first I couldn't remember what happened but then it came back to me.

"I ran after you when you stormed out of the cabin into the forest and then... then while running you... you turned into a wolf...?" I was totally confused.

"Who are you?" PJ rubbed the back of his had.

"Who am I? Well I am PJ." He grinned as if he made a joke or something.


"It's been a while but you should be able to recognize me. After all I am your best friend." He grinned at me and when as I watched him realization struck me.

"P-P-Percy?" He grinned even more." Took you long enouggh dead boy."

My eyes almost popped out of my head. "You really Percy ? But you seem so..."

"Different? I know I am a bit younger and smaller... just a second." Suddenly the small boy began to changed into, more like grew older until he looked exactly like Percy from that time. I was stunned for a moment but then smiled happily. I still couldn't believe it after all those years he was finally back. My best friend. I didn't know what to do.

"Where have you been all those years and where did you get this power from?"

"That's a long story..." It became silent for a moment.

"But why didn't you say anything? I mean we were all worried."

"That would have caused problems."

"What problems? You are our friend!"

"And that's exactly why. I didn't want you to get involved in this. It's far too dangerous!"


"Well let me start from the beginning..." Percy told me everything that happened to him. He told me about Chaos and his new powers. His accident in Egypt, his encounter with the hunters and that he had to save the world in some time...again. Then he told me about the upcoming invasion of camp...

"We have to warn camp!"

"How so without revealing who I am? Write a letter or what?" I thought for a moment.

"So what do you plan on doing?"

"Well I will stay at camp until they attack. They are after me so if I just draw the attention on myself they will pursue me hopefully."

" I will go with you!" Percy frowned. "Nico, I don't think..."

"You can't do everything on your own and I can take care of myself. I am older than you after all." I grinned at him.

Percy seemed to think about it ..."Very well, but you have to keep up with me I can teleport you know?" He smiled.

"You can teleport? Cool! What else can you do now...?"

After that we talked all night. I made some jokes about him destroying the pyramids and we laughed a lot together after all those years. It was good to have my best friend back.

Thalia PoV

When I walked for the dining hall this morning I saw Nico and PJ. They seemed to get along even better now but they also had bag under their eyes.

"Hey what's up you two?"

" Hi Thals... nothing why?" He yawned

"You seem to get along quite well."

"Ah yeah big bro and me have a lot in common. He showed me some of his old Mythomagic cards." PJ grinned.

"You still have these." I laughed while Nico glared at PJ who just smiled back.

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