Chapter 7: Challenge

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Percy's PoV

"Where will he stay now?" Nico asked Thalia while glancing at me.

She shrugged "Well I suppose it's best if you take him in your cabin. I would take him in the Hunters cabin, but you know ..."

Nico sighed "Okay then..." He smiled at me, "It seems we are cabin mates for now... until you are claimed."

I was already claimed as a son of Poseidon but I didn't want to sleep in that cabin, so I just grinned back

"Okay then big bro let's go."

I just dumped my bag at the Hades cabin and went back to the Hunters. It was still midday after all. They were still quite dazed from the ride.

"Hey, you look good!" I chuckled and got a few grunts in response. "Anyway what do we do now?"

Phoebe answered this time. "We could make you wear a rabbit costume and hunt you..." She smirked. I hid myself behind Thalia.

"Okay ... I'm sorry ... Please don't shoot me. " They began to laugh. We joked around a bit longer and some of them ruffled my hair. I am no play doll you know...

"Well what can we do here, other than hunting me I mean." I asked for appearance of course since I knew the activities.

"There are a lot of activities. For example sword fighting in the arena , archery or climbing." Thalia said looking towards me.

"Well you could also paint a rainbow." Katie one of the Hunters said earning a few laughs.

"I think I'll go with sword fighting. " I smirked. They looked a bit surprised at me.

When we came into the arena there was a crowd of campers in the ranks. In the middle stood one a boy. He walked in a circle his arms raised with a sword in one hand.

"Who dares to challenge me now?" He shouted at the spectators.

I was riding on Nicos shoulders when I asked.

"Who is this?"

"That's Alex, a son of Poseidon and one of Marks lackeys at camp."

"Are all the kids of Poseidon like that?" Suddenly all faces fell down. They looked all sad. Thalia answered.

"Not at all just the Poseidon kids nowadays."

When Alex saw us he began to smirk. "Well, well if these aren't the hunters of Artemis, and you got two pets too." Did he just call Nico and me pets? Weird...

"How about it does one of you want to fight me? Don't worry I'll go easy on girls." The Hunters growled menacingly.

"We have no intention of fighting you." Phoebe said through gritted teeth.

Alex approached her, their faces just inches apart now.

"You scared or something? As I said I'll go easy on you so it's fair..."

"I'll fight you." I stated calmly. He looked up to me a bit confused.

"Sorry kid that's something for the grown ups..." I jumped down from Nicos shoulder. Thalia came down to my level. "I think it's far to early for you..." I ignored her and turned to Alex.

"You scared of a kid or what?" I smirked at him. His face became red as there were a few laughs heard in the arena. He pointed his sword at me threateningly, but the Hunters stepped in.

"Don't you dare to lay a finger on him!" Phoebe growled. I was surprised at how ...protective they were of me.

"He challenged me so he should live with the consequences. I will teach him a lesson!" he turned and walked back to the middle of the arena.

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