Chapter 31: I am weak?

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Percy's PoV


I felt a rush as my eyes fluttered open only to come face to face with Chaos who held a tired smile on his face. When I looked around I noticed the normally white space slowly crumbling revealing parts of the universe, where parts dispersed.

"Am I dead again?"

Well not really the best way to start a conversation, but it happened once already, right? Thinking about it I came to the conclusion that my death would lead to a pissed off Artemis and Thalia. Well I'd prefer death... which I would be one way or another. Confusing...

"No, young one you aren't."

Chaos looked to his right as he said that and his smile faded a bit more. As I followed his gaze I saw a star imploding creating a shockwave that shot through the universe. With a wave of his hand the cracks all around the room, creating once again a perfect white room.

"What is going on?"

"Nothing you should concern yourself with at the moment, young hero."

The Creator spoke with finality as he sat back in his throne and leaned forward on his folded hands. When the most powerful being in existence, technically, said to mind your own business one would listen but I wouldn't be Perseus Jackson if I didn't try. I opened my mouth ready to protest...

"My time is limited."

I slowly closed my mouth again not bringing out a word.

"Perseus. I gave you my powers for a reason. My whole Creation depends on you to prevail against this threat."

He leaned back and closed his eyes.

"You won't succeed..."

Well that was one hell of a speech... He just declares the end of the world like nothing and seemingly it's also my fault. That's just what I wanted to hear...


Chaos silenced me again with a dismissive wave of his hand as he opened his eyes.

"Let me finish, boy. You won't succeed if you keep fighting like a Demigod."

"But I am a Demigod."

"You ,young hero, are by no means a mere Demigod. You have my Powers, yet you seem to forget that even now."

Before I could even think that through Chaos snapped his fingers. When I had blinked I found myself in the Colosseum surrounded by a shouting crowd filling the ranks. I felt a sword in my hand and wore a suit of armor with some throwing knifes strapped to it.

"Well then Perseus, come at me."

Chaos stood before me still in his white suit, seeming totally out of place. I positioned myself, ready to spring forward in a second, with my sword up front.


Chaos just smiled. I fight like a human, huh? I couldn't help my smirk from appearing before I 'ported. And in the blink of an eye I was right behind him swinging my sword at his head. I mean he wanted it and up until now I think I didn't really kill a god, right?

Chaos didn't even bother to turn as I went right through him like mist. I fell to the ground sliding on my face for a while before I got up on one knee turning towards Chaos.

"Fight like a God Perseus!"

At first I just wanted to assure myself that I am not too weak but now... I was getting a tad bit angry.

I concentrated my powers while holding out my fist and clenched it.

The ground around Chaos shook for a moment before enclosing him into a thick earth box. His voice boomed through the whole arena as he spoke yet again.

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