Chapter 11: Day 1

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Thalia's PoV

Stupid Idiots! They will pay for making me fly with that thing again. I was standing in front of the all to familiar yellow bus of Apollo. We had to get to San Francisco since the Fates were said to be there at the moment, therefore we had to get a ride...

"Well, well it seems my little sister needs my help again." He looked amused towards Artemis. " But don't worry your great big brother will always come to your aid."

Artemis kept quiet, which was kind of weird. She looked lost in thought but then snapped out of it when she noticed our confused stares.

"I am not your little sis!... Anyways let's go hunters we've got some prey to find!" After that her gaze went down again and she got into the bus. Apollo frowned a bit seeing this his smile fading for a moment, but then he turned around.

"Shall we get going ladies?" He looked at us with his cocky grin. We rolled our eyes at his attempts to flirt with us as we entered the bus. I saw Lady Artemis sitting in the right corner of the bus looking out of the window into the distance longingly. Sadness, concern and fear filled her eyes.

No wonder considering the prophecy she got... The one she loves shall die... Of course the hunters didn't quite get it, but I did. To me it was obvious that she loved Percy and that he was the one who would die supposedly.

The problem with prophecy is that they will be fulfilled and this prophecy didn't let room for interpretation ...

I was taken out of my thoughts when we made a looping. I didn't notice that we were flying until then. Instantly my body stiffened and I clawed into my seat. I guess I had a pretty weirdly funny expression on. I was in shock and I froze... I didn't even blink once.

I even begged to pass out but I didn't. I saw and felt everything even the tiniest turbulence. I could only think about one thing... I am going to die!

I didn't know how long we've been flying, but to me it felt like days. When we came to a halt I rushed out of the bus. I jumped to the ground being relieved to be back. Well I held back from kissing it...

I was still a bit dazed when I stood up, seeing the other hunters and Lady Artemis exit the bus.

Apollo looked out of the window still with a grin.

"Take care little sis." Artemis kept silent. "Anyway... " He looked down for a moment but grinned again. "See ya!" With this he took off into the sky, where the bus changed into a sports car with a bright flash.

I then noticed that we were surrounded by trees. We were inside a forest.

"So which way should we go, Lady Artemis?" She looked up, seemingly interrupted in her thoughts.

"Well towards the city... The sisters of fates should be there somewhere." She then began to walk and we followed. No one said anything creating an uncomfortable silence.

As we walked I watched Lady Artemis. She was yet again in deep thought. Of course I wanted to comfort her but I didn't know how. He won't die... Don't worry? I don't think that would help. I too feared this. He can't die like this, I mean he just got back... Then I remembered the other part of the prophecy Your path shall lead the sea gods wrath... I looked around suspiciously but found nothing of course. The sea gods identity was pretty clear. Mark, son of Poseidon, this arrogant ass... He couldn't possibly be following us without us noticing, could he?

I shook these thoughts away. We were just entering the city I supposed we were near Oakland.

As we walked through the streets we got a few glances from the passing mortals. I was wondering what they were seeing...

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