Chapter 26: The Masked Men

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Artemis' (past) PoV

I could only watch as Heracles obliterated the island with my Hunters in a flash of lightning. While my father beamed with pride, I was about to rip that Demi-God apart. Sadly we Gods were not allowed to intervene.

"Your Hunters were no match for my son, dear daughter."

At this moment I hated my father. He too was blinded by arrogance and didn't even care for the lives of my girls. Yet he was Zeus, Father of the Gods, and I couldn't defy him.

"Yes, father." That was all I managed through gritted teeth...

I had to admit that the boy was powerful, destroying the island, still he was just a fool with power. All men were, seemingly.

My Hunters were now at the mercy of the raging sea and the other campers, but they wouldn't help, as Heracles commanded. Cowards.

Different emotions flooded me, but most of all fear. Fear for the lives of my Hunters, my ... family. I couldn't stand to watch my injured girls fight for their lives against the waves as Heracles watched, standing at the edge of the main island with an arrogant smile.

Some were unconscious and were only still alive because of the help of other Hunters. All of them were battered from the impact of the lightning...

"Not so strong anymore, right, girls. Don't worry we will save you... if you beg for your life for the great Heracles."

How dare he try to humiliate them! I dared him to ever cross my path again, so that I could accidentally kill him!

"We the Hunters of Artemis, won't beg for our lives in front of a man."

I felt pride as I heard that. Even when facing death they wouldn't abandon their honor... Yet I couldn't help but hope they would... I didn't want them to die ...

Heracles seemed angered as he gritted his teeth and glared back, before he raised his hand.

"Then you shall die..."

He wouldn't... He wasn't allowed to take lives in this game! How can he break the only rule there is.

"Father! Can't you see what he is about to do!"

"Calm down. He won't kill them. He will only shock them..."

A flash lit the storm cloud above, followed by many more. Maybe he wouldn't kill them with his shock, but they would die in the sea afterwards .


"Silence, Artemis! These Games are a Trial of the Gods for the Campers to prove their worth! We will save them if necessary, but if they die, they die in honor."

I would despise my father for eternity if my Hunters were to die. He was a great Ruler and held the world from Chaos. He also held compassion, but his pride... Zeus would start a war over his pride if necessary.

And his pride was which blinded him right now...

I saw the lightning charging in the sky above, I saw the blue light shining ominously as Heracles stared down at them with a smirk.

"You shall fear the wrath of Heracles!"

Then with the wave of Heracles hand the lightning ripped through the sky. I didn't blink but my heart was heavy. I prayed to whatever entity there was to save them.


Percy's PoV

I didn't even spare a second before I flashed across the island towards the lightning crash. When I appeared there I saw that the island of the Hunters was destroyed and Heracles stood at the edge staring down.

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