Chapter 21: The Dawning

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Percy's PoV

"Come on, bro wake up!"

I woke slowly up to the voice ringing inside my head. I felt a few stings of pain in my sides. My memory was still a mess and my vision blurry. I slowly raised my head only to be met with a gray wolf. My first idea was to jump away but as I looked down I finally remembered who stood before me.

"What is it Nico?" As I said it the worry in Nico's eyes disappeared and a huge grin spread over his face.

"I thought you would be helplessly passed out forever, bro." He said in a mocking tone.

"I want to see how you fare when you are pierced by a dozen arrows." I growled but a small smile formed on my face which soon turned into a smirk.

"How is your injury?" Now Nico kept quiet. Of course I mocked him a bit but sure as hell was I glad that he was okay.

I slowly got up and was alerted at the sound of rattling chains. They were bound to both Nico's and my neck.

"What the hell..." I looked questioningly at Nico who just shrugged.

"I guess they don't trust us..." I felt anger flare inside of me as they were the ones to attack. With out much thought I bit at the metal chains and ironically they broke easily.

"Wolf power!" I grinned at Nico who tried the same and he too succeeded after a few bites.

It was then that I took in my surroundings. We were right in the middle of the Hunter camp. The few tents indicated that and with my enhanced hearing I could make out a few of the Hunters.

"You seem quite livid again young Demi-god." A bit surprised I turned my attention to the white wolf I saw before passing out.

"Yes" I barely managed to bring out that one word looking shocked at the female wolf and Nico alternately.

"My name is Shira and yes, I know who you are..." Her eyes shone brightly and looked as if she could look right into my mind. I was still too perplexed. A wolf from the past discovered our identities. How could that even be possible...? Unless...

"Are you a god or something?" The shine in her eyes didn't falter as her gaze was still locked with mine.

"It is as likely as it is not." Great... I love mysteries... not.

"So... did you tell Artemis?" I hadn't even thought about that luckily Nico asked the question.

"No." With that she turned around and gracefully walked away, but she turned for a moment.

"Are you coming?" Nico and I looked at each other and Nico stated what we both were thinking.


We followed her until we reached a clearing where the hunters were assembled before Artemis.

"...we will leave in the morning for the camp. That is all, so back to Training!"

The attention was now turned to us and the girls all stared to the broken chain with a tad bit of fear.. Even Artemis seemed surprised, well I could only suppose because she hid her reaction well.

Artemis walked up to us, gracefully of course. " I see they are quite well again..." She was surprisingly in her sixteen years old form and still held an air of authority. She also seemed really powerful. More powerful than I could remember from my time with her back then... or well in a few thousand years ...whatever.

I felt as if she could easily destroy me and then I remembered that the gods were far stronger in the past and well it was true. The downside was that the Titans and giants would be also more powerful...

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