Chapter 6: Back to camp

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Percy's PoV

So for now I had to stick with the hunters of Artemis, who actually are trying to capture or even kill me. Even worse was that I was on my way to camp. I would probably see my so called friends and Mark my halfbrother and even Annabeth. Just great.

Whatever, it was already dark and the Hunters and I walked through the city. To be exact they walked and I was carried by Thalia. I gave her the puppy eyes so she couldn't say no. We got along well just like in old times. I told her a few jokes and we laughed. The other hunters kept glaring at me but I didn't care. The mortals didn't seem to notice our strange group of two dozen teenage girls dressed in weird clothes and me. Well there were more weird figures out in the night...

We were already in Brooklyn when Artemis spoke up.

"We will search for a place to stay!" Ohh yes please a warm, comfortable bed and something to eat.

"Where is the Hotel?" The Hunters turned around and looked at me like I was crazy. Then Thalia spoke to me.

"We don't sleep in Hotels. We camp in the wilderness." Ohh right the wilderness, directly in the city...

"You mean we camp in a park?" I asked a bit mockingly. She chuckled lightly.

"Well ...yes, but we won't be seen by mortals when we are there so it's alright."

"Wow, it must be hard to survive in the wilderness." I said rolling my eyes.

For this I got a few death glares, but Thalia started to laugh out loud until Artemis stepped forward.

"Well normally we are in the real wilderness but sometimes this has to do..." When she turned around I thought I saw an almost nonexistent smile making me smile too. Well she has humor.

So we got in the next park and found a clearing surrounded by a lake. The Hunters began to set up their tents. I didn't really know what to do. When they were done, something was missing.

"Where do I sleep?" I asked the group of girls. They just tossed me a blanket.

"Really...?" They just glared at me. I lowered my head and walked off. How nice... I went towards the lake and found a place near the bank. I still felt most comfortable near water.

It looked calm and I decided to take a swim. I put down my bag and the blanket and jumped in. It was a great feeling being surrounded by water. I felt safe and most of all calm. I sunk to the ground and sat down. What should I do now? I could just run away right now... but where should I go anyway? There was nowhere to go... if I went to my mum again there would be another group of monsters attacking me in time. The camp is the best choice to make for now and I could also see Nico again and being with Thalia wasn't all that bad either. Well, I think I'll go to camp again. Having made my decision. I swam back to the surface. I just wanted to jump out when I saw her.

Artemis was sitting at the bank staring into the night sky. She was lit by the moonlight. She looked just beautiful. Perfect. But she seemed sad and lost in thought.

I slowly got out of the water and approached her.

Artemis' PoV

I was at the bank of the lake thinking yet again. I did that often recently and I always thought about the same.

Perseus Jackson. This man just wouldn't stay out of my mind. Why? Why would I think about him? He is just a man... isn't he? I shouldn't be concerned about him... yet here I am thinking about him. What is it I feel towards him? I couldn't possibly be...

I was torn out of my thoughts as I heard a voice behind me.

"Is something bothering you , sis? " I turned around and saw a small boy looking at me.

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