Chapter 15: Hope

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Percy's PoV

„Well I am dead..." I said matter-of-factly. Chaos looked pretty amused.

"So why am I here? No... why am I dreaming? Shouldn't I be in Elysium or something?"

Chaos smiled widely. " That's because of me."

I rolled my eyes at this. " Thanks... " Chaos just continued to smile.

"Impatient aren't we? Anyway... I suppose you still remember me giving you my powers?"

"Of course." Chaos looked at me amused stood up and snapped with his fingers. Suddenly stars and planets flew around me and darkness came all over the white space. At the end I stood in the miniature universe. Chaos started to pace around.

"So you got the powers of me, Chaos the god of gods, the beginning of all, the most powerful being of the universe and you think you would die just like this?"

I thought about this. When he said it like that it sounded pretty dumb to think I had died.

"I guess..." Chaos began walking towards the mini sun and held it in his palms.

"You can't even imagine what power you possess right now..." he clenched his fist and vaporized the sun creating a small shock wave. When he opened his palm there was a small black sphere, which soon began to whirl around. It turned into a black hole. The stars and planets began to move circling the black hole. They all vanished into the endless darkness. When everything disappeared

the hole closed and ceased to exist leaving a room of darkness.

"That just now wasn't..." He turned towards me and smiled shaking his head.

"No this wasn't your solar system and of course there were no life forms of any kind. Just something I created for demonstration."

I was stunned but soon snapped out of it. " So I am ... immortal?" Chaos looked a bit taken a back but found his composure again. He set his white suit right.

"I destroy a whole solar system demonstrating my powers, which you possess and you ask a question like this?"

I just shrugged. "Considering my situation I think it was a good question."

Chaos soon found his smile again. " Right."

"Anyway where am I right now? I mean where is my body?"

"In the darkest deepest abyss in the underworld..." He grew serious as he said this.

"...Tartarus" I finished.

"Right." He smiled again.

"Just great... How the hell am I supposed t get out of there? ... That's the end ... I am going to rot in Tartarus next to Kronos ..." I paced around mumbling some curses.

"Well Perseus I can't help you... and it's time for you to go." He went back to his throne and sat down. The room was still as dark as the night.

"Perseus, you may think your journey has come to an end, but I can assure you this is merely the beginning..." He smiled at me and with this the room and Chaos slowly faded.

When I woke up I laid in darkness. I couldn't even see my own hands. I stood up and created fire in my palms looking around. I still couldn't see anything so I just started to wander around aimlessly in the endless darkness of Tartarus.

Thalia's PoV

We were all teleported to Olympus into the great hall of the gods. I stood besides Artemis supporting her with the other hunters. She seemed to be in shock at the death of Percy. Mark knelt before Zeus throne. The other Olympian gods sat in their respective thrones.

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