Chapter 2: The Lost Hero

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Percy's PoV

When I woke up it was dark. The moon shone weakly over me. I was still dazed and couldn't figure out where I was. Well, it was sandy.

I tried to see something , a light, a building whatever, but there was only darkness and the moon.

What to do? Walking in one direction and hoping to get somewhere? Nah, I would stay here until sunrise. I took my bag, which magically reappeared and searched for something to warm me. I found a Jacket and put it on. It was rather cold. I used my bag as a pillow and stared into the night.

As I looked into the stars I couldn't help but sigh recalling all my memories of camp and my adventures. I wonder how the others are doing...

Artemis' PoV

I just returned from a mission with my hunters. We were hunting a few monsters and searching for Perseus Jackson. He disappeared 5 years ago and since then nobody has seen him. Even the gods could not find him. It was like he vanished off the face of earth. My lieutenant Thalia Grace asked to search for him, so we did every so often with no success. I don't know why but even I was determined to find him.

It was strange. Every time I thought of him, of his actions and the smile he gave me before disappearing I got this strange feeling. It was ... pleasant.

His absence on the other hand saddened me.

When we came back to camp I decided to take a walk. I told my Hunters to stay in the cabin and then I took off. I walked along the beach, feeling the waves hitting my feet. Then I stopped for a moment and looked up at the moon.

It shone weakly, barely giving light. Was it my feelings effecting the moon? Then why is it so ... weak? What is it that upsets me to this extent? I sat down in the sand thinking. Unknowingly I said the words whirling in my mind out loud. " Where have you gone?" I was taken off my thoughts by a swish. I got to my feet quickly and took a fighting stance. "Who is there? Show yourself!"

"It's me, Lady Artemis, Thalia!" Thalia then came into my sight and I sighed relaxing.

"What do you want here? I told you to stay in the cabin!"

"Well, you seemed ...disturbed my Lady. Is something the matter?"

"I am just a bit tired that's all... and our hunt wasn't successful after all." I sat down in the sand again staring out into the sea.

"Yeah, he has that effect on most of those around him, doesn't he?"

"Who are you talking about?" I asked a bit surprised.

"Well, Percy obviously..." she said with a glance to me. Than she sat down besides me.

I was stunned for a moment. Me caring for a man? No way! I know their true nature they are selfish, arrogant and cruel. Anger rose inside of me.

"Why would I care about him? He is a man!"

"Well, that he is. But not the kind of man you hate, I might add"

"All men are the same! Some just hide their true nature better than others!" I was almost shouting.

"But ... he isn't, right? You know it too, my Lady." Thalia said in a soothing voice. I was a bit taken aback but calmed down. Then she spoke again

"Percy isn't your typical man. He is loving, caring and over all totally loyal. He would give his life to save his friends. He is also selfless and honest.

He would never betray his friends. Well he always was just...yeah just good old Percy." Silence filled the air.

She is right I heard a whisper in my thoughts. I turned towards the horizon and a few rays of light came out. It was sunrise.

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