Chapter 33: The Final Path

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Nico's PoV

"Well then. Go on Nico!"

I simply glanced back over my shoulder at Thalia who grinned at me cheekily, with Percy Artemis, Diana and Zoe in front, while the Hunters who were still glaring at me as if they just wanted to crush me. We had arrived of the main gates of Hades alright, however no one had any idea how to get in or what would be behind those gates. I guess we all came to the same conclusion... Whatever it was it would be dangerous...

"Open sesame!"

I said quite dumbly. It was the last thing I could think of. They would surely kill me if I didn't get those Gates open.

"Why am I the only one to stand here again?"

"You are the bait obviously." I could hear Percy's grin as he said that.

"We don't have time for this." Diana said annoyed.

"Open the Gates, Son of Hades!"

I had already tried to open them with my powers... It didn't work. Whatever it was that put the whole Underworld into Chaos it intervened with my Powers, more like suppressed them. I myself knew that I was pretty powerful even for a child of the big three, which made me worry just exactly what it was behind those gates.

"Okay then..." I hadn't noticed Percy until he put a comforting hand on my shoulder and smiled at me reassuringly.

"I will just go on ahead." I didn't quite understand just what it was he wanted to do as he walked passed me towards the Gates.

"What...?" I asked rather dumbly still not grasping what he meant. Percy almost casually strolled towards the Gate, twirling his sword around.

I turned around and just saw as auburn hair blew past me in a rush as Diana was the first to understand what that fool would possibly do... again. Percy didn't seem to stop even as he was just about to walk into the wall.

"Don't you dare!" Diana reached for him, but in that moment Percy phased through the Gates as if they didn't exist. It did take barely a second until he was completely gone.

"Perseus!" Diana punched the black Gate in anger, creating a small shock wave as part of her godly aura flared.

Her glare immediately turned towards me. The anger all too visible. The gods surely didn't favor me... well this one didn't at the moment.

"Open these Gates now!"

Why thank you Percy. Killing yourself is not enough... no you have to leave me here to die.

"I tried it already..."

"Try again! Or I'll get you in there in another way!"

I knew it!

"Diana calm down. Maybe he will just open the gates from within."

I took this chance to concentrate on the Gate once more. Again I felt the overwhelming presence hindering my powers, but now I could feel yet another presence nearly rivaling the other. It was Percy! I knew he was powerful, but now as he was in my domain I could feel it clearly.

Maybe with Percy in there I could actually do it...

I opened my eyes as I felt the pull of the underworld, the whole domain resonating with my power as I commanded the gates to be opened. Once again I felt more powerful the ever as I stretched out my hand towards the gate.

The Gates slowly began to move as a blast of wind shot through the gap, the Gates finally swinging open.

"Nice job Nico!"

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