Chapter 4: Army of one

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Percy's PoV

It was the middle of the night. So it was totally dark. I was just a few miles from the cost, racing through the water towards the lower bay. Then I shot to the surface and jumped into the air.

It was raining heavily, thunder and lightning roaring through the night sky. I barely saw the Verrazano-Narrows bridge in the dark. Behind me still quite a few miles away were storms. But they slowly seemed to vanish. Most likely they were stopped by Poseidon. Can't even take a joke. I wouldn't destroy a city. Well maybe shake the camp up a bit but I wouldn't kill a human. Well whatever now they were gone. I was still in the air. I could fly too I suppose. Control the winds to do so. Nice!

So where to now? The bridge is a good start. I flew towards it and landed on top of the pillar.

I had put on my hood. Good thing I "bought " this jacket. It was Dark with a glint of green and fitted me perfectly.

I stood there in the rain watching at the skyline. It saddened me a bit. Memories of me with my mom came back to me. I looked at the sky. I was taken out of my thoughts as my stomach rumbled.

I was soo hungry. I haven't eaten anything since this morning. And my supplies were wet...

I hadn't really thought about that before jumping into the ocean. I am a genius after all...

So now I flashed through the city. Ahh I named my teleporting flashing it's well just kind of flashy, you know.

Anyway I flashed through the city and soon found a bar. I even got some Nachos. There were no people but the batkeeper and me. Well most of them would be asleep right now. I just noted how tired I was. It was a long day. I looked up at a TV, which showed the news.

"...the great Cheops-Pyramid was destroyed. There were a few people injured, but no deaths were reported. The government assumes that it was an act of terror."... Ohh yeah there was this. I didn't mean to destroy it, it just happened. " ...the weather is going crazy. Just a moment ago a Typhoon was on it's way towards New York, but it just dispersed. So warnings are dropped."

This was me too. This really was a long day.

I saw a news paper lying on the counter. The barkeeper must have left it there, as he got in the backroom. I took it and read a bit. I looked over the news. The date caught my eye 24.10.2016 My eyes widened a bit.

Wasn't I away for like two days or so? I mean I can't have slept that long, can I? It would be almost exactly five years since I left then right? What about my mom? She has to think that I am dead. I have to tell her... My friends too. Did they search for me? Nah it's no big deal to most of them right? It was me so no one important...

I was torn out of my thoughts as the door swung open, revealing a big man with a rain coat. I couldn't see his face clearly in the dim light. He tramped towards the counter and sat down a few seats away from me.

"Crappy weather out there " he said not turning around.

"Yeah..." Something was fishy here but I couldn't figure out what.

"I was starving and figured I would find a nice meal in here." A smug smile appeared on his face.

He then turned around. "You seem quite tasty actually..." I turned around and my eyes widened.

It was a cyclops. His eye fixed on me. He had a crazy grin plastered over his face. How could I not have noticed? I really have to be tired. Shit! I jumped back as he tried to grab me. I instantly took Raptide out and uncapped it. Good thing I kept that with me.

Then the cyclops charged. It was an easy fight I just slid forward and sliced him in his sides. He turned to dust. I then hastily grabbed my bag and my nachos and stuffed my mouth leaving the pub.

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