Chapter 5: Pete Johnson

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Percy's PoV

When I woke up I was lying in a comfortable bed. At first I couldn't make out where I was but then it came back to me. I was at my home. The last thing I saw before I passed out was my mum looking shocked at me.

I got up in bed and was immediately embraced by my mum. We sat like this for a while before she pulled back and looked at me. She wiped her tears.

"Hey mum... " I said awkwardly. She began to cry again. My first words to my mum in five years (for me it was a mere week ...) and I made her cry. Good going...

"Hey don't cry ... I am here, it's okay ..." She looked me in the eyes and sobbed.

"Sorry it's just I thought ... I thought you were..." Tears streamed down her face.

"I know ... I really didn't mean to...well I just...sorry." That was the best I could come up with. I embraced her, patting her soothingly on the back.

"I am alive..." It took a while until my mum stopped sobbing. Then she smiled weakly.

"Well, you changed quite a bit look younger." I was a bit confused.

"Ahh, yes. I didn't age you know."

"No I mean you look like ... a six maybe seven year old?" I had to laugh at that while trying to get out of bed.

"Come on I think I'd notice if I was a-" BUMP I fell head first to the floor. I rubbed my forehead while getting up. "What the...?" The world around me seemed so big. My mum looked down at me with concern but also amusement in her eyes. I went for the mirror. I looked like me but smaller.

I still had my messy black hair and the green eyes, but if I didn't know that it was I, I wouldn't recognize myself.

"How did I get a midget?" I looked puzzled towards my mum.

"When I found you at the door and passed out you just ... shrunk into this form."

"It can't be! I don't want to be a dwarf dammit!" I stamped with my little feet on the ground.

"It's not that bad. You look just like you did back then. You are cute you know?"

"I don't wanna be cute! I just wanna be well me!"

Suddenly two big arms lifted me into the air. My mom smiled at me.

"Now come down please. " I actually did calm down and she sat me on the bed again.

"First I destroy a pyramid, then monsters hunt me and now this." My mum looked questioning at me.

"Well, let's just start by zero..." I then told my mum everything. About my break up with Annabeth, my idiot half-brother Mark, my plan to run away, the encounter with Chaos and so on...

It felt good talking to someone I could trust and y mum was a good listener she just nodded for me to continue sometimes.

"...and that's how I got here." I said finally ending my story.

"Well that's a lot for a few days. And you destroyed the pyramids?

"It was an accident... I didn't mean to really." My mum sighed

"Just don't do it again." I sweat dropped . It sounded as if I broke a plate or something.

"Yeah I don't think I will..." We both laughed at that.

"So you want breakfast?" At that moment my stomach rumbled. I rubbed the back of my head.

"I believe I do." BUMP I fell again face first on the floor. I muttered while I got up. I have to learn how to morph. My stomach grumbled again. Well let's eat first.

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