Chapter 10: Fate

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Nico's PoV

After the door closed we began walking through the dark tunnels of the maze. We walked in silence, both of us being sad about what had happened. I had a torch to light the way. I didn't know where we went to and I didn't think Percy knew... Anyway I just couldn't bear this awful silence anymore.

"Well... that went pretty well..." I didn't know what to say but I think that wasn't the right thing.

"Hmm..." was all Percy said. I too was down. I left Thalia... and the camp of course...

"Soo, where exactly are we going?" I asked after a while. Percy looked quite annoyed.

"We are more or less on the run so it doesn't really matter Nico..."

"Do you even know where we are?"

"I guess..." I wanted to ask more but I kept silent, so yet again we walked quietly through the maze. We walked and walked...

"Percy?" He turned to me.


"Are we there yet?" I saw how he turned from extremely annoyed to angry and back, but he found his composure again.

"No." Silence followed for a short moment.

"And how long will it take?"

"Shut up, Nico!"

Artemis PoV

I can't believe him! How can he look me in the eyes and disappear two times in one day? How dare he... I felt a few tears rolling down my face thinking about that. The entrance he had gone through had disappeared completely making it impossible to follow him. I had been sitting on Zeus fist since then. Now that I finally realized my feelings for him he does something like this... but I couldn't deny it anymore, it was obvious now...

I am in love with Perseus Jackson.

I had to think back to when I almost reached him. I was so close but he fended me off...

Of course I realized that he is pursued by Titans and that he did that to protect me... us, but still...

"Lady Artemis!" Phoebe came running towards me...

"What is it Phoebe?" I jumped down from the pile of rocks.

"PJ disappeared! We can't find him anywhere!" PJ too...? Such a coincidence... Could it be that...?

"Lady Artemis?" I looked up at her .

"Yes ... " I thought for a moment.

"Go back to camp and gather the Hunters!"

"What for my Lady?" I smirked at that

"We will go hunting..."

She looked at me confused but soon ran off. I was about to go back to camp when there was a flash of light.

"Hello Hermes... " I greeted the newly arrived god. He nodded

"Artemis. Lord Zeus wishes to speak with you about the incident." I frowned. How should I explain that? I don't think I should tell them about Perseus. They will think he wants revenge or something...

"Artemis?" I was taken by surprise.

"Ahh yeah..." We then teleported to the throne room.

When we got there all the gods sat in their respective thrones. Mark kneeled before Zeus. They all seemed nervous and worried. Zeus expression meant the same but he looked more like outraged.

"Artemis what is the meaning of this?" Thunder rumbled outside.

"My Lord?"

"Mark told us about the invasion of camp!"

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