Chapter 3: Towards New York

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Percy's PoV

These are really the pyramids! So I am in Egypt? I mean seriously, my way home will be a really big pain in the ass.

Anyway I didn't know how far I was away from the Pyramids. It could be either one or one hundred kilometers. Why did I end up here anyway? Oh yeah... Chaos... What could be a better place to sent someone than the desert? Hell I didn't even know how to use these powers of his! So I just started walking towards the giant Triangles at the horizon. I walked and walked and guess what... walked. There seemed to be no end to the desert. It was so hot I nearly vaporized. It felt like days of walking. But then finally right before I'd collapsed I saw the foot of the pyramids. There was a mass of tourists scrambling around. I sighed with relief. Humans, civilization . I am back!

I quickly ran down the dune and took the first bottle of water that got into my sight and drank. The tourist whom I just snugged away his water stared at me with surprise. I took out a Drachma and threw it towards him. He looked at the golden coin in wonder, but seemed satisfied with this payment.

I then headed towards the tourist buses and got in. We drove abit and stopped at the Sphinx . Well I was near the city at least. I walked with the tourist group towards the Sphinx. I was lost in thought. So what should I do now? How do I get home with no money? I could try the Nile and well just like swim all the way back... More important, how should I face my friends, my mom and... Annabeth and Mark? Those two... I mean killing is a crime so it's not an option,right? I turned my back on the sphinx and gazed at the horizon. Then another thought came into my mind. I have Chaos' powers ... Am I all powerful or what? Like I just snap my fingers and the world ends? I did just as I thought and snapped. "BOOOM"

I heard a few screams and saw people looking past me with a shocked expression. So I turned around. What I saw next surprised me to say the least. Well first there was a cloud of dust but when it settled you could see the Cheops Pyramid... at least the remains of it... Instead of the great pyramid there was a big crater. My mouth hang wide open. A few people started to take pictures or making calls all looking nervously at the scene.

I couldn't believe it. I just destroyed a wonder of the world. Well at least...there are two pyramids left right? So... no problem at all... I have to get away from here. Just away. I blinked. One moment I stood in a crowd at the side of the sphinx, the next I was standing on top of a building with view at my little accident. What just happened? I mean I wasn't here a second ago was I? So did I just like teleport here or something? ... That is AWESOME.

I tried again. I looked at a building and thought that I want to be in there. The next thing I knew was lying on the floor in pain. After I "jumped" or teleported or whatever I crashed right into a wall and fell back down. So I think I should see where to teleport to. Well some movies are telling the truth after all.

I slowly got up and and limped towards the window, looked down and jumped aka teleported down. I could get used to that. I did it again and again. Jumping through the city, collecting a few things I need; a map, a new backpack, a cool new hooded jacket, some money, an I-Phone and a few supplies. Okay, the I-Phone and the jacket were kind of unnecessary but who cares ? It's cool. I know stealing is wrong bla, I left a few golden Drachmas. I packed my new backpack, put on my new jacket and was ready to leave

Well then let's get going to New York. I moved at lightning speed through the desert, only appearing a few milliseconds before jumping again. AWESOME!

Artemis' PoV

I just got back to Olympus. It was afternoon and there was going to be a meeting as usual. I walked through the gardens of Olympus. It was a beautiful sight. Olympus took shape again after the Titan war. Everything bloomed and shone brightly.

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