Chapter 9: Reunion

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Percy's PoV

I was just fighting some campers in capture the flag as PJ when I heard a huge explosion in the distance. They are already here? Shit! I began running towards Thalia's tree since the noise came from there. I was rather slow running with the short legs of a seven years old boy. Nobody will notice me anyway in this chaos...

I changed into my normal 16 years old form. I was glad that I could rearrange my clothes too, since it would be awkward being in these kid clothes. Anyway it felt great having my old body back, but it also meant my time here is up for now. I had to think of my recent time at camp with Thalia, Nico, the Hunters and ... Artemis. I reached for my cheek. She kissed me... I felt a tingle in my stomach.

I would lie if I said I don't feel anything towards her but it was impossible anyway. Now wasn't the time to think about that, I had to save camp...

Just then I saw said goddess running out of the forest. She looked in my direction. I don't know why but yet again I smiled seeing her. She wouldn't see me in this mess of campers running around . I put my hood on and a second after that I flashed out.

I reappeared in front of an army ... a big army. I mean really big. It were like thousands of monsters but that wasn't the worst. There also were two Titans. Well I just got myself in another life threatening position. Twice in about one week... way to go.

The monsters spotted me instantly as I was the only one standing against them. The Titans stood in the front rear. I recognized both of them. Hyperion and Atlas.

All of them eyed me suspiciously.

"What do you want here little Demi-god? "

I didn't know what to say. So I kept quiet.

"Answer me! You-" At that moment Hyperion held up a hand to silence him.

" Don't fear Demi-god we aren't here to destroy the camp this time. All we seek is the one of Chaos. Hand him over and your little camp here is save."

" Why should I go with you?" It was silent for a moment. Suddenly Atlas burst out in laughter.

"You are the being of immeasurable power Gaea spoke of? The one Chaos has chosen? Don't make me laugh!"

"Yeah I guess I am..." I rubbed the back of my head. I myself didn't know the extent of my powers but immeasurable I don't know...

Suddenly Nico appeared before me with his back to the army. " There you are! Camp is being attacked right now! We have to..." I face palmed myself and gestured for him to turn around.

"Oh... I guess you already know." He looked embarrassed and stepped back. Then he whispered

"What now? You can't take all of them on... right?"

"I think I can manage." I then concentrated on my powers. The earth beneath me slowly began to crack. Then there was an great impact and the land began to break up. The army began to fall. I wasn't sure if they died, but they were at least immobilized. I could have destroyed the whole island if I put to much power into it so that had to do. Nico looked shocked at me.

"You are ...powerful."

"You don't even know half of it." I smirked. Then I felt two Godly Beings coming towards us. I guess it was Mark and Artemis.

"We don't have much time." Nico looked surprised at me.

"What? Why?" I nodded towards camp and just then the two gods came into sight.

"You have to go. Get your things and meet me at the entrance." Nico just nodded and disappeared into the next shadow.

I turned my attention back to the Titans. They didn't fall before, well they were Titans after all.

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