Chapter 22

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Mercedes POV

I struggle to recall the details of the delivery, but snippets of the moments leading up to it linger in my memory. Each contraction felt like a cruel stab, piercing through my back and stomach. I desperately clung to the reassurances of my mother, who assured me that everything would be alright as they rolled me towards the delivery room. From there, everything becomes hazy, as if I had slipped into a state of sleep.

During that condition, it felt as if I were floating, weightless, and detached from the world. It was a tranquil experience, where my soul seemed to hover in the air, disconnected from any worries or thoughts about my son and boyfriend. I craved to linger in that delicate embrace, where peace, warmth, and safety surrounded me.

But eventually, my blissful slumber ended abruptly, and I awoke to harsh, glaring fluorescent lights above me. I attempted to shield my eyes from the overwhelming brightness, but the slightest movement sent waves of agony coursing through my body. With a groan of pain, I arched my back against the pillow, feeling as though my lower abdomen had been brutally torn apart. The ache was unbearable.

Amid my distress, I heard a familiar voice, filled with love and concern. It was Greyson. I hadn't even noticed his presence until he took hold of my hand and spoke to me in a gentle, soothing tone.

As I gazed at him, my grogginess and pain momentarily forgotten, a shock coursed through me. Greyson's appearance was a stark contrast to the man I knew. His usually well-groomed hair was a mess of dark curls and grease on top of his head. He wore sweats and a dirty t-shirt, a far cry from his usual impeccably dressed self. But what struck me the most were his eyes - the red rims and swelling were telltale signs of countless tears shed in distress.

Instinctively, panic surged within me, and I asked about Bentley. The space in my belly heightened the anxiety that gripped me. After carrying him for so long, I never anticipated the overwhelming emptiness I would feel without his lively kicks and movements.

"Yes, he's okay, he's perfect. He's in the NICU with your mom and brother," Greyson whispers, his lips brushing against my hand as he presses it gently against his cheek. His face reflects a mixture of worry and relief, and I can sense that something is wrong.

Fear grips my heart as I urge him to reveal what has happened. "What happened? I can tell something isn't right. Please, don't keep things from me, even in a situation like this," I implore, my voice filled with a mix of concern and determination.

Greyson takes a deep breath, his voice trembling with emotion. "I'm sorry. I was just so scared. I thought I was going to lose both of you in that delivery room," he admits, his vulnerability shining through. I long to sit up and hold him close, to offer him the comfort he so desperately needs. But the searing pain from my incision serves as a painful reminder that I must remain still, so I settle for gently squeezing his hand in reassurance.

"It's okay. We're okay," I assure him, my voice filled with a mixture of tenderness and exhaustion. "But I want to see him. When can I see our son?"

He hesitates, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and concern. "Well, he can't leave the NICU in his current condition, and you can't leave this bed without risking complications. It might be a day or two before you can see him," he explains, his voice laced with a hint of sadness. "But I've taken so many pictures and videos for you. Let me show you."

Reaching for his phone, Greyson opens his gallery, revealing an overload of images and videos capturing our precious son. As I gaze at the tiny figure on the screen, I notice his dark hair and delicate features. My heart aches as I take in the sight of the monitors and cords surrounding him, a reminder of his fragile state. I study each photo and video with the utmost care, committing them to memory before exhaustion and pain lull me into an unsteady and restless sleep.

In my dreams, I find myself in the NICU, surrounded by the beeping of machines and the hushed whispers of nurses. I reach out to touch his tiny hand, feeling the warmth and the delicate strength that resides within him. The love I feel for him is overwhelming, and I know that despite the challenges he faces, he is a fighter.

A couple of days pass, and each morning Greyson brings his phone to show me the latest updates on our son's progress. The doctors and nurses are doing everything they can to help him grow stronger, and slowly but surely, he begins to thrive. The videos show his first cries, his first tiny movements, and the joy in his eyes as he starts recognizing our voices.

The longing to hold our son in my arms becomes agonizing. Greyson is a constant source of support, always there to reassure me that our little one is getting stronger with each passing moment. He tells me stories of the nurses who dote on him, the way his eyes light up when he hears our voices, and the milestones he reaches, no matter how small they may seem to others.

Finally, the doctors feel it safe for me to leave my bed and visit the NICU. As I'm wheeled in, my heart races with anticipation, and tears well up in my eyes at the sight of our son, only three days old and still surrounded by cords and monitors. He lies peacefully in his crib, his tiny chest rising and falling with each steady breath.

With trembling hands, I reach out to pick him up, cradling him against my chest, trying not to pull out any cords. His warmth seeps into my tired body, filling me with a deep sense of love and purpose. At this moment, all the pain and uncertainty melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the miracle that is our son.

As we sit together in the NICU, Bentleg nestled safely in my arms, Greyson takes my hand and looks at me with a mixture of awe and adoration. "We did it," he whispers, his voice filled with pride and love as he kisses the top of my head.

And at that moment, as our son sleeps soundly in my embrace, I know that we have overcome the greatest challenge of our lives. Our journey has been filled with fear, uncertainty, and pain, but it has also been filled with love, resilience, and the unbreakable bond that now exists between the three of us. But little did I know, our saga was just beginning.

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