Chapter 15

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Lexi and Jordan were already lounging in Jessica's luxurious room when I arrived at her house. Despite spending half my childhood here, I couldn't help but be awestruck by the size and extravagance of the space every time I stepped through the front doors. It felt like I had walked right into a scene from the movie Mean Girls, and Jessica was our very own Regina George. However, she possessed a striking beauty that exceeded the character, coupled with a wild energy that made her magnetic. She was undeniably the queen bee of our group, and her room was a testament to her larger-than-life persona.

To my surprise, Alex was also present, as he always seemed to effortlessly blend in with our girl gang. Despite not being a girl himself, he had this ability to provide insightful perspectives on the male species. It was as if he had cracked the code, and we couldn't help but value his unique insights, even though he had never dated any of us. There was just something about him that made us consider him one of the girls.

As I entered the room, Jessica's curiosity exploded like a volcano, bombarding me with a storm of questions. "Where have you been? What have you been up to? Are you and Greyson hooking up? Why haven't you answered our messages?"

Feeling overwhelmed, I raised my hand to signal for a moment of silence. "Hold on, I need to tell all of you something. And trust me, there's no point in keeping it a secret because everyone at school will know by Monday. Greyson and I are going to have a baby," I blurted out.

A noticeable silence settled in the room as Lexi, Jordan, and Jessica absorbed the weight of my announcement. It was as if time had frozen for a brief moment, as we all wrestled with the magnitude of this news. Finally, Lexi conjured the strength to break the silence, her voice barely above a whisper. "How far along are you?"

I took a deep breath, my emotions swirling within me. "Nineteen weeks. It's a boy," I revealed, my voice trembling with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The room remained still, each of us processing the gravity of the situation. Jessica, unable to contain her dissatisfaction any longer, spoke up with a sharp edge in her voice. "You kept this from us for this long?"

Defensively, I tried to explain. "I didn't want you guys to hate me! It was all so overwhelming, and I didn't know how to handle it."

Sensing the tension growing thicker by the second, Lexi swiftly changed the subject, her voice filled with concern. "Will Greyson be there for you? Will he help you through this?"

I nodded. "Yes, he seems genuinely committed to being a dad. He's been there for me every step of the way, it's been really unexpected."

Unable to resist her standpoint, Jessica muttered under her breath, a hint of jealousy seeping through her words. "I knew you guys were fucking."

Quickly, I interjected, desperate to set the record straight. "It's not like that. It happened one time, at a party. I never planned for this to happen. My mom only found out yesterday, and I've been dealing with the humiliation of it all."

Jessica's eyes flashed with a mix of emotions, a cocktail of certainty and bitterness. "You should feel humiliated."

Despite the charged atmosphere, Jordan interfered, her voice filled with concern. "How did your mom react to the news?"

"She was upset that I didn't tell her sooner, but surprisingly, she seemed excited. I think things will be better now that everyone knows. Greyson and I have decided to make a public announcement on Facebook tomorrow night. He's also asked me to be his girlfriend, but I haven't given him an answer yet," I confessed, uncertain of what the future held for me and my unborn child.

Jessica's eyes shot up, a small flash of envy crossing her face. It was no secret that she had a history with Greyson and after about six months of hooking up, he ghosted her. That's not something she was used to nor took lightly and the rejection had bruised her ego.

"He's not your type," she stated spitefully. "And he doesn't do relationships. It won't last, even with a baby to trap him."

I felt a mix of frustration and determination rise within me. "He's the father of my baby. We owe it to ourselves and our child to at least try."

Jessica scoffed, her tone dripping with mockery. "You think he's going to change? Stop selling drugs, and start being responsible? Stop fucking other women? It's all just a fantasy, Mercedes."

My anger began to bubble up, and I couldn't help but defend Greyson after all the support he's offered. "He's already offered to transform his smoking room into a nursery for our son. He's committed to being a father. I trust him."

Lexi interjected, her voice filled with sympathy. "Jess, she deserves a chance to make things work. Right now, she needs our support."

Jessica's face contorted with anger, her spoiled personality coming to the forefront. "Get out of my house."

I was taken aback. I had seen Jessica kick people out before, but never me. We had been friends since we were little kids.

"Are you serious?" I asked, my voice tinged with hurt.

Alex instantly stood up to defend me. "Jessica, what the fuck? You can't just kick her out like that."

But Jessica remained resolute. "Leave. Now. I fucking mean it, Mer."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I fought to keep them at bay. I turned to leave, not even realizing Alex had followed me until I reached my car.

"Don't take it personally," he said, trying to comfort me in the driveway. "You know how she is."

I couldn't help but let the tears flow as Alex wrapped me in a tight hug. We stood there for a few moments before he pulled away and looked at me.

"Me, Jordan, and Lexi are here for you, regardless of what Jessica says," He reassured me. My tears continued to fall, but his words brought comfort.

"Do you think I'm making a mistake by giving Greyson a chance?" I asked, my voice filled with distrust.

His expression softened. "I'm not particularly fond of the guy, you know that, but I've seen how he's been there for you during this. He's the father of your child, and you have every right to try and make it work. I trust your decision."

Lexi and Jordan came out to apologize for Jessica's behavior, but I assured them that it wasn't their fault. I promised to call them soon before turning my attention back to Alex.

"Would it be okay if I stayed at your place tonight?" I asked, wiping away my tears. "I could use some company and distraction."

A big, goofy smile spread across his face. "Of course. We can watch American Horror Story and eat Oreos. Whatever you need."

I peeked down at my phone, seeing Greyson's text, but decided it was best not to reply for now, especially since I knew how he felt about me staying the night with him there. Tonight, all I wanted was the reassurance of my best friend.

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