Chapter 34

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One day at work, as I was feeding the smaller dogs, Levi approached me with a smile. I recently learned that he is Tom's son.

"Do you want to go on an adventure?" He asks me eagerly.

Curiosity piqued, I asked him hesitantly, "What kind of adventure?"

Levi's eyes sparkle with excitement as he replies, "We received a call about a mama dog who just gave birth to a litter of puppies beneath someone's porch. I need to go pick them up, but I could use some help."

Surprised by the unexpected request, I question, "You want me to go help you pick up newborn puppies?"

He nods enthusiastically, a big grin spreading across his face.

"Hell yeah! You don't have to ask me twice," I respond, immediately standing up and putting the dog food away. He grabs the keys to his truck, and we head out to the parking lot.

As we hop into Levi's truck, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The thought of rescuing a mama dog and her newborn puppies fills my heart with warmth and compassion. I buckle up, ready to embark on this unexpected adventure.

As we drive through the winding roads of our small town, Levi shares stories about his experiences being raised in a dog shelter. His passion for helping animals is evident in every word he speaks. I listen intently, feeling a growing admiration for his dedication.

Finally, we arrive at the address given to us. It's a quaint little house with a charming porch, surrounded by blooming flowers. We approach the front door and knock gently, hoping to offer our assistance to the homeowner.

A kind, middle-aged woman opens the door, her eyes brimming with gratitude and relief.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here! There's a stray dog hiding under my porch, and I just found out she has adorable little puppies. I'm so worried about their safety, I called animal control for help." She says.

"Don't worry, ma'am. We're here to provide the necessary care for the mama dog and her pups. May we go to the porch and see the situation for ourselves?" Levi asks.

"Of course, please be careful." She replies.

Underneath the porch, we find a gentle and loving mama dog, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and protectiveness. Nestled close to her are four tiny, fragile puppies, their soft whimpers tugging at our heartstrings.

Working together, Levi and I carefully coax the mama dog out from beneath the porch. With patience and gentle reassurance, we gain her trust, ensuring her safety and the safety of her pups. We create a comfortable space in the truck, providing warmth and security for the journey to the shelter.

At the shelter, we settle the mama dog and her puppies into a cozy kennel, ensuring they have everything they need. The staff members are quick to offer their assistance, providing medical attention, nourishment, and a loving environment for the new family.

"Thank you for your help today, Mercedes," Levi says, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Hey, I'll never give up the chance to cuddle with some puppies," I reply honestly.

We walk outside together, and I notice the sun has set completely. I hope Bentley didn't give my mom too much trouble at bedtime.

"So, I was wondering, would you want to go out Friday night? With me?" Levi asks me out of nowhere.

"Um, I can't."

"Oh, do you have a boyfriend?" He asks, trying to hide his disappointment.

"No, I have a baby," I admit.

He looks shocked for a moment then quickly composes himself. "Oh, that's cool though. What about your baby daddy?"

I feel a sting in my heart at the thought of Greyson. "He was around for a while, but I really don't want to talk about it."

"Oh, that bad, huh?" He asks.

I nod, looking away from his gaze.

"Well, I have a one-year-old nephew that I love spending time with, so just know that kids don't bother me," he says with a shy smile.

"I like you, Levi. I like working with you. But I don't want to turn this into anything else," I say honestly.

"I understand, I do," he says as he walks me to my car, and we part ways.

As I drive home, thoughts of Greyson and Levi swirl in my mind. I can't help but wonder how different things could have been if Greyson hadn't been arrested. But dwelling on the past won't change anything.

Arriving at my mom's house, I walk inside and up to mine and Bentley's room, smiling at him as he sleeps peacefully in his crib.

I collapse onto my own bed, physically and emotionally drained. Thoughts of Levi creep back into my mind. He's kind, understanding, and his mention of his love for spending time with his nephew shows that he's comfortable with children. But can I truly open myself up to the possibility of a new relationship?

I toss and turn, the weight of my decisions weighing heavily on me. The truth is, I'm scared. Scared of getting hurt again, scared of bringing someone new into Bentley's life, and scared of letting go of the past.

But as I lie there in the darkness, I realize that fear should not dictate my choices. Levi has shown me genuine care and understanding, and perhaps it's time for me to take a leap of faith.

As I'm lying in bed, I make up my mind. I'll give Levi a chance. I deserve happiness or at the very least, a little bit of fun with a cute boy who comes from a nice family. I fall asleep deciding I will give him a call tomorrow and let him know I changed my mind about Friday night.

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