Chapter 39

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The next day, I wake up and get ready to go see Greyson at the prison. I dress in my favorite shredded jeans and a red hoodie and apply a small amount of makeup. I have already asked my mom and Brandon to watch Bentley so I can speak to Greyson alone, and they are both supportive.

As I drive over there, I can feel my nerves rising. What am I going to say? Am I just going to come right out with it? It's hard when I barely understand what I'm feeling myself, but I'm not ready to give up on us just yet. I decide to see how the conversation goes.

I walk into the familiar visitation room and Greyson comes up to me with concern written all over his face. "Where is Bentley? Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's okay. He's with my mom and brother. I wanted to talk to you alone," I say, feeling my cheeks turn bright red.

"About what?" he asks, sitting on a couch and I join him.

"I broke up with Levi," I blurt out.

I can see the surprise on his face. "I thought things were going good? Did he do something?"

"No, nothing like that. It was going good," I say, looking away from his confused gaze.

"Then why—?"

"I'm still in love with you," I cut him off. "I know you made mistakes and you are paying for them, but I don't think I could ever feel this way about anyone else."

His blue eyes soften. "I never stopped loving you. I'm sorry I got us into this mess, but when I get out, I promise we will have a fresh start."

"That would be really nice," I say with tears forming in my eyes.

"I wish I could kiss you right now," he says.

"Me too." The no-touching rule is pretty strict here and not worth breaking and getting him into trouble.

We sit there and talk for an hour, catching up on everything, and I finally say goodbye and head home. For the first time in months, I finally feel complete.

As I pull into the driveway, a surge of surprise jolts through me, witnessing Levi's car parked right in front, and him perched on my front porch. A wave of unease washes over me as I step out of the car, determined to keep my composure.

"What brings you here?" I inquire, attempting to maintain a sense of calmness.

Levi's gaze meets mine, and he begins, "I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I know I crossed a line. I'm just hurt because I genuinely care about you, and I believed we had something special."

My heart softens as his words sink in. "I feel the same way. I'm truly sorry if I hurt you," I confess, sincerity lacing my voice.

A flicker of understanding dances in his eyes. "Feelings can't be controlled," he murmurs. "I just hope we can move forward and remain friends."

A hopeful smile graces my lips. "That's what I would like too," I reply, relief coursing through me.

We share an awkward farewell as he retreats to his car and drives away. Sitting there for a moment, I find solace in the fact that our professional relationship won't be tainted by the lingering awkwardness between us.

                           Two years later

As time continued to pass, I found myself excelling both academically and at work. Bentley, my precious little one, was growing up quickly and thriving in good health. His vocabulary was expanding, and he was becoming more expressive with each passing day.

To keep ourselves busy, I made sure we had a full schedule, including regular visits to see Greyson in prison. It was heartwarming to witness their bond grow stronger with each visit.

Life moved forward, and the reality of my friends graduating and moving away for college began to sink in. Even Alex was among those bidding farewell to pursue a traditional college education. While I felt a tinge of sadness that we couldn't continue our study sessions together due to my online schooling, I was grateful that he had the opportunity to learn in that environment.

Then, unexpectedly, Greyson was released early due to his good behavior. It was an incredible relief, and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. With the savings I had diligently saved up, I managed to secure a small two-bedroom apartment for the three of us.

In a heartening turn of events, Greyson's uncle offered him his old job back at the shop, despite his criminal record. It was a sign of hope, a chance for him to rebuild his life and support his family legally.

As we settled into our new home, I couldn't help but feel grateful and hopeful for our future. Life had presented us with many challenges, but with determination and the support of our loved ones, we were forging a path toward a brighter tomorrow.

     The End

Thank you so much for reading Unexpected Turns: A Teen Pregnancy Story. I hope you enjoyed watching Mercedes and Greyson's relationship unfold as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please don't hesitate to leave honest feedback.

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