Chapter 32

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Time flew by rapidly, and at last, Bentley's first birthday arrived. So much had transformed since the near-death experience I had while giving birth a year ago. Our lives had taken an unexpected turn, one I never could have imagined. I was still residing with my mom and Brandon, struggling to accelerate my graduation so that I could secure a full-time job.

Greyson hadn't laid eyes on Bentley since the night he was arrested, simply because I adamantly opposed the idea of taking my son to visit his father through a screen at the local jail. However, today, I finally had a change of heart, realizing that Bentley deserved to see his father on his special day. And as much as it pained me to admit it, Greyson deserved that too.

We arrived at the local jail, and I gently lifted Bentley out of the car, holding him close to me. An officer welcomed me and inquired about the purpose of my visit. I provided the necessary information, and he guided us to a room filled with chairs and phones. Seated at one of the stations, we patiently awaited Greyson's arrival.

After a few moments, Greyson took a seat across from us, separated by a plastic screen. It pained me to see the man I deeply loved wearing an orange jumpsuit, his dark hair disheveled, and profound circles under his eyes. Bentley immediately exclaimed "Dada" and perched himself on the countertop, gently tapping the screen. I could see tears welling up in Greyson's eyes.

As Greyson picked up the phone in front of him, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Part of me wanted to stay distant, to keep myself guarded against the pain he had caused. But another part of me longed for closure, for the opportunity to hear his voice and perhaps even find some semblance of forgiveness.

With a deep breath, I finally reached for the phone on my end. Our eyes met through the transparent barrier, filled with unspoken apologies and regrets. "Mercedes," Greyson's voice trembled slightly, "I'm so sorry for everything. For the mistakes I've made, for the pain I've caused you and Bentley. I never wanted any of this."

I listened silently, my heart aching with every word he spoke. It was difficult to ignore the love that had once existed between us, despite the circumstances that brought us here.

"I'd rather not discuss any of that," I finally say, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. "Today is about you reuniting with your son."

Greyson nodded, his expression filled with curiosity. "Are you planning a birthday party for him?"

I give a small nod. "My mom took care of all the arrangements. It's scheduled to start in a couple of hours."

His eyes filled with sadness as he spoke, "I'm sorry I won't be able to attend."

"Me too," I reply softly, struggling to hold back tears. "I can't understand why you had to put us through this. Everything was going so well. We could have found a smaller place if money was an issue."

Greyson's voice trembled with regret as he spoke, "I'm sorry, Mer. I wish I could undo it all."

We spend the remaining time talking about Bentley and the new words he's learned, mainly Mama, Dada, Nana, and Unc (which stands for Brandon). I show him a video of Bentley confidently taking his first steps and agree to bring him by more frequently so they can spend time together before Greyson is sentenced.

As we say our goodbyes, I walk away, holding my precious baby boy tightly, hoping that nobody sees the tears streaming down my face.

When I arrived home with Bentley in my arms, the sound of laughter and joy filled the air. My heart swelled with gratitude as I stepped into our living room, adorned with colorful decorations and a table decked with a birthday cake.

My mom, a true force of love and creativity, had outdone herself in organizing this celebration. She greeted us with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with excitement. Brandon, my brother and Bentley's favorite playmate, was busy entertaining the guests, his infectious laughter echoing throughout the room.

"Bentley!" Mom exclaimed, her voice filled with delight. "Happy first birthday, my little angel!"

Bentley's eyes widened with wonder as he took in the sight before him. His tiny hands reached out, eager to touch the balloons floating above him. The room was filled with friends and family, all gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion.

I watched as Bentley's face lit up with pure joy, his laughter filling the room. It warmed my heart to see him surrounded by so much love and happiness.

Mom approached us, her eyes shimmering with pride. "Mer, you've done an incredible job raising this little one. He's such a blessing."

I smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of pride welling up within me. "Thank you, Mom. I couldn't have done it without you and Brandon's support."

Brandon, always the playful one, scooped Bentley up into his arms, causing the room to erupt in laughter. Bentley giggled uncontrollably, his tiny fingers reaching out to touch Brandon's face.

"You're getting so big, buddy!" Brandon exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine affection. "I can't believe you're one already."

We spent the rest of the evening singing happy birthday to Bentley and watching him excitedly dig into his cake, his face smeared with colorful frosting. The room was filled with laughter, storytelling, and the sweet sound of Bentley's babbling.

As the night came to a close, and the guests bid their farewells, I couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming gratitude. Despite the challenges we faced, the love and support of my family had created a beautiful and memorable first birthday for Bentley.

I hugged my mom and Brandon tightly, tears of happiness welling up in my eyes. "Thank you, both of you. Today was absolutely amazing."

My mom smiled warmly, her eyes filled with love. "We would do anything for you and Bentley, darling. You're both our world."

Brandon chimed in, a mischievous grin on his face. "And don't worry, sis. We'll make sure Bentley has even more incredible birthdays in the years to come."

"Thank you guys, it truly means a lot." I tell them before heading to bed with Bentley.

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