Chapter 16

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                Greyson P.O.V.

As the sound of Eminem's classic hits filled the game room, I settled into the comfortable space alongside Carter and Brian. The dim lighting and the thumping beats created an atmosphere of relaxation and harmony. Smoke filled the air and the smell of marijuana was potent throughout the house.

Carter, notorious for his ever-changing roster of girlfriends and countless flings, leaned in with a playful grin. "So, spill the beans, man. What's the deal with you and that Mercedes girl? Are you two fucking or what?" His curiosity was noticeable, and I prepared myself to reveal my secret.

Leaning back in my seat, I took a deep breath, contemplating how to break the news. "We're expecting a baby," I stated bluntly, my tone devoid of any hint of humor. Carter and Brian exchanged stunned glances, their eyes silently begging me to reveal that it was all one elaborate prank. However, my seriousness destroyed any doubts they may have had.

The room fell into a brief silence before Brian finally found his voice. "Wait, are you messing with us, man?" His voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and concern. I shook my head, my face still serious as a heart attack.

"No, I'm dead serious. Mercedes is 19 weeks pregnant, and we're going to have a son," I confessed, feeling a wave of vulnerability wash over me as I finally came clean. The weight of this information settled heavily in the room, lingering in the air.

Carter, known for his quick wit and sarcastic remarks, surprised me with his genuine reaction. "Wow," he said, his voice filled with a mix of awe and astonishment. "You're going to be a dad, man. That's... that's so crazy." I watched him intently, trying to sense any ulterior motives, but he seemed genuinely supportive.

Brian, always the inquisitive one, couldn't help but ask, "How does it feel? I mean, this is a big deal, dude." His eyes held a mix of curiosity and concern, eager to understand the extent of the situation.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I responded honestly, my voice filled with a mix of emotions. "Honestly, I'm excited," I admitted. "Sure, I was terrified at first, but deep down, I knew I could never abandon my flesh and blood. This is my child and I'm appreciative to be going through this with someone as incredible as her, rather than with someone like Jessica. I think we might even have something special, despite only having hooked up that one time."

Carter interjected, his voice laced with memories of the past. "Dude, you haven't been serious about a girl since Aspen," he reminded me, his tone tinged with nostalgia.

Aspen. The name carried a whirlwind of emotions within me. She had been my first love, a force of nature with her beauty, kindness, and boundless energy. Her spirit was wild and untamed, always enthusiastic to explore new adventures. Like a hurricane, she possessed an undeniable allure, her fiery personality captivating all who met her. And yet, beneath her fierce exterior, she harbored a heart of pure gold.

With a hint of sadness in my voice, I replied, "That was a long time ago. Aspen and I haven't spoken in over a year since she moved to Europe. I feel a real connection with Mercedes. She's not only stunning, kind, and intelligent, but she also possesses a rebellious wild side."

Brian chimed in, reminding me of the reality I was about to embrace. "And she's going to be a mom," he pointed out, his words filled with a touch of caution.

A surge of determination coursed through me as I reaffirmed my commitment. "And I'm going to be a dad," I declared. "I'm serious about this. I care about her and our baby. I've even mapped out plans to convert the smoking room into a nursery. This is something I've thought about a lot, and I'm ready to accept the challenges of fatherhood."

"Have you given any thought to quitting selling? Not just the other stuff but weed too?" Carter asked, an edge of concern coloring his voice. His question took me by surprise but didn't come completely out of the blue.

I considered his question. "The idea has crossed my mind," I admitted, leaning back in my chair. "But that would mean I'd have to find another job. This place isn't cheap, and my mom's family can only cover half the costs. Unless I drop out of school, I can't see how I could make ends meet, and I don't want that to happen."

Brian, who had always been more inclined towards a straight-laced life, chimed in. "Getting out of all that... it might be the right move, man." He'd joined us for a joint or two in the past, but he had always been clear about his intentions of joining the military and living a clean life.

Mercedes was always on my mind, her sweet nature and stunning beauty having a magnetic pull on my heart. With every interaction, I found myself falling deeper and deeper for her. Other girls ceased to matter; she was all I could see. I was determined to be the man she and our son deserved. Even if she was hesitant about entering a relationship with me, my feelings for her were definite.

There was a small nagging thought in the back of my mind wondering if her hesitation was due to feelings for Alex. But, I chose to trust her and her words. If she did harbor feelings for him, I was helpless to change that. All I could do was ask her to remain uninvolved with him while carrying our child.

Brian's sincere voice pulled me back from my thoughts. "Congratulations, man," he said, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and genuine happiness.

Echoing Brian's sentiment, Carter added, "Yeah, it's fucking wild, but congrats, man."

Their support was comforting, knowing that my closest friends were by my side during this life-altering time. I found myself hoping that Mercedes's conversation with her friends had gone as well as mine had. They were a pretty tight group.

I decided to send Mercedes a text, asking her to drop by later. She didn't respond, but I figured she was occupied with her friends. The rest of the evening was spent with my buddies, indulging in video games and a few blunts. We avoided any further conversation about Mercedes or the baby, choosing to appreciate the moment instead.

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