Chapter 20

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                       Greyson POV:

I struggle to conceal my shock as I first laid eyes on Mercedes. Her face is covered with bruises, and she looks so frail and pale. The sight of her sends a jolt of pain through my heart. I rush to her bedside, careful not to hurt her as I place my hand in hers.

"I'm sorry..." Her voice is barely a whisper, tears sparkling in her emerald eyes.

"For what? You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just relieved that you and Bentley are okay. I'll do school from home until I graduate and take time off work to take care of you," I assure her, my voice filled with a mixture of fear and determination.

"I'll be fine. You shouldn't take time off work. We need the money before he arrives. And I might need your help with him during the first week," she insists, her voice hesitating.

"It's okay, babe. I have some savings, and my uncle is my boss, so he'll understand. You're going to need the help," I reply, trying to ease her worries. What I didn't mention was my 'savings' was the money I had been setting aside from drug dealing.

She doesn't argue further, and just then, the doctor enters the room. Mercedes asks when she can go home, and the doctor explains that she needs a few more days to ensure her and Bentley's stability. They also express concerns about potential seizures due to her head trauma. Thankfully, her brain isn't swelling, but the fear still lingers within me.

Kayla is called back into work, but I reassure her that I'll be here until it's time for them to come home. Mercedes sleeps a lot, and I spend my time sitting by her side, my hand gently resting on her swollen pregnant belly, watching episodes of "How I Met Your Mother" to pass the time while my son moves around.

When she's awake, we talk about every subject possible. I bring her food from the cafeteria, and so far, all she craves is spaghetti and ice cream. As she eats her chocolate ice cream, she suddenly asks, "So, have you ever been in love before?"

I smile and wink at her, attempting to be smooth and deflect the question. "You mean before you?"

"No, I mean it," she insists, her big green eyes fixed on mine.

"Why do you want to know?" I ask, my curiosity piqued.

"I'm honestly just curious," she replies, her gaze unwavering.

I take a moment to consider my answer before finally admitting, "Once."

"What happened?" she asks, her voice curious.

"She moved to Europe," I respond, the ache of that lost love resurfacing for a brief moment.

"Oh," she says quietly.

An awkward silence hangs in the air, and I choose to remain silent, pushing thoughts and memories of Aspen out of my mind.

"So, I get to go home tomorrow," she announces, her voice twinkling with relief as she successfully shifts the topic. "Could you swing by our house and pick up some clothes, my toothbrush, and my shower stuff?"

"Of course," I reply, pressing my lips gently against her hand that isn't burdened by an IV. We finish our show, and I lean in to share a long, lingering kiss with Mercedes before reluctantly reaching for my keys.

"Do you know where everything is?" she asks.

"Of course I do. I'll be back in no more than 30 minutes," I assure her. The thought of leaving her alone gnaws at me, provoking me to consider waiting for Kayla's return.

As if in response to my internal debate, the door swings open, and in walks Brandon.

"Hey, I've had my phone off for the past few days. I came as soon as I heard. Are you okay?" His voice is laced with worry.

"I'm pretty beat up, but I get to go home tomorrow. Greyson is off to get my stuff right now," Mercedes explains.

I offer a polite nod in his direction. "Hey, man."

Brandon completely ignores my greeting, his attention fixated on his sister. He fusses over her, anxious about his sister and unborn nephew's condition. Despite the passage of time, Brandon's feelings towards me for getting his sister pregnant remain angry and dismissive.

"I'll be back soon," I tell Mercedes, forcing a smile before leaving the room.

Upon reaching home, I spot a figure perched on my front porch. Her back is turned towards me, her face hidden from view. As I step out of the car and approach her, the girl turns around, and I recognize her immediately. Aspen.

Aspen's presence on my front porch sends a jolt of nostalgia through me. Memories flood my mind, taking me back to the days when we were inseparable.

I remember the first time I laid eyes on her during my freshman year. It was a sunny day, and she stood out amidst the sea of students, her vibrant energy drawing me in like a magnet. Her medium-length, shiny, straight dark hair cascaded down her back, framing a face that could easily grace the cover of a magazine. But it was her big, bright blue eyes that truly captivated me, reminiscent of a curious baby deer. I couldn't help but nickname her Bambi, a name that perfectly captured her innocence and appeal.

Aspen possessed an undeniable charm, her petite frame, and smooth white skin adding to her ethereal beauty. Her lips were full and inviting, and her high cheekbones added an elegant touch to her features. But it wasn't just her physical appearance that made her special. She had an adventurous spirit that set her apart from the crowd. She was never content with a mundane existence; she craved excitement and sought out new experiences at every turn.

From our very first discussion, it was clear that she viewed life as a grand adventure. She had an unquenchable thirst for the unknown, always pushing boundaries and challenging herself. From daring stunts like skinny dipping in a moonlit lake to skydiving from terrifying heights, Aspen embraced the thrill of the extraordinary. She was the kind of girl who would pet a tiger without hesitation, her fearlessness and zest for life inspiring those around her. That's why I fell so hard for her.

Yet, despite the undeniable connection we shared, our paths ultimately separated. We wanted different things in life, our dreams and aspirations taking us on separate journeys. But even as time passed, I couldn't deny the lingering love I felt for Aspen. The flame still flickered within me, a testament to the depth of our bond.

And now, as I stand before her on my doorstep, the sight of her after almost two years evokes a flood of emotions within me. It's as if time has stood still, and for a moment, it feels as though we are transported back to a time when our love was all-consuming.

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