Chapter 14

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I woke up to find myself curled up comfortably in the crook of Greyson's arm. As I awakened, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment, I tried to pull away quietly. But as I moved, he turned towards me, his large, toned, and tattooed arms pulling me back into his warm embrace.

He planted a soft kiss on the top of my head, his voice a low murmur, "Good morning."

I returned his smile, a wide yawn escaping my lips. My stomach growled, reminding me of my hunger. "Good morning. Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on your personal space," I apologized, my cheeks turning red.

He chuckled, his voice filled with amusement, "It's okay. I liked having you here with me. Are you hungry? I can make some French toast."

After a moment's thought, I realized that French toast sounded perfect, and more importantly, it was something that wouldn't upset my stomach. "Yeah, that sounds good!" I said, grinning at him.

He left for the kitchen while I stayed snuggled in the warmth of his bed, deciding to call Jessica, who was saved in my phone under the nickname, 'Big Booty Hoe.'

Jessica and Greyson had a fling about a year ago. It was never serious, and she had been with a lot of guys since, but as I recalled their past, a twinge of jealousy stirred within me. I quickly dismissed it, reminding myself that it was ancient history and that he had a reputation for his past flings.

Jessica answered on the second ring, her voice as bubbly and energetic as ever. "Hey, girl! Where have you been?! You just kind of went ghost on us!"

"I know I'm sorry! I've just been so busy lately!" I replied, hoping she would buy my excuse.

"Yeah, I heard you're dating Greyson May now, what's up with that? He's not your type."

"No, we aren't together. We just hung out a few times. I got to go, but call Lexi and Jordan and let's meet at your house at 2 pm. I want to see you guys."

"Okay, will do. See you soon." She said, hanging up the phone.

My heart skipped a beat as I glanced at the clock; it was already 1 pm! I had somehow assumed it was still mid-morning.

Greyson returned, carrying a plate piled high with fresh French toast and a glass of refreshing orange juice. I thanked him and explained my plans to meet my friends, apologizing for the sudden rush.

He smiled understandingly, "That's fine. I'm going to have Carter and Brian come over. How do you think your friends are going to react?"

"I'm not sure..." I admitted, my nerves bubbling up again. "I hope their reaction is good though. Jessica has always said some pretty terrible things about teen moms."

We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, making small talk about our likes and dislikes - my love for rain and his for the sun, his preference for mornings, and my affinity for nights, our shared fascination with space. Despite our differences, we found that we had more in common than we thought.

Once we finished, he walked me out to my car. Much to my surprise, he placed a hand on my stomach, his hand looking enormous against the small bump.

"How are you so cool and calm about all of this?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"I'm not." He confessed, his honesty taking me by surprise. "The day after you told me you were pregnant, I got wasted with the boys and cried like a baby in my bathroom all night. Afterward, I could see how scared you still were and I wanted to do my best to make it easier on you."

"Well thank you, you did," I told him sincerely, touched by his honesty. We embraced in a long, comforting hug before I got into my car and drove off, warmed by the morning's occurrences.

As I drove towards Jessica's house, which was about a 20-minute drive from Greyson's, each minute felt like an eternity. The weight of the secret I had been carrying weighed heavily on me, and I couldn't help but feel uneasy about how my friends would react.

My biggest worry was Jessica. She had always been vocal about her opinions on teen pregnancy, often dismissing it as the result of ignorance about contraception. I remembered her saying that she was glad none of us would ever be "that stupid" and that we would choose to abort if we found ourselves in that situation.

Lexi, on the other hand, didn't concern me as much. She was undeniably beautiful and popular, but beneath her exterior, she was the kindest person I had ever known. She never spoke wrong of others and had a sincere love for children and babies. She often talked about her dreams of having a big family someday. Our shared goal of attending medical school after graduation made me believe that she would be more understanding and supportive.

Jordan, our resident "nerd" as she often jokingly referred to herself, didn't quite fit the narrative of our group. She had a quiet and shy demeanor, but her sharp intellect and brutal honesty made her a priceless friend. I still remembered the time she caught me cheating on a test and fearlessly told me I was going straight to hell. Despite her seemingly nerdy surface, I knew I could always rely on her for straightforward and genuine opinions.

As I pulled into Jessica's driveway, which seemed disproportionately large, I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself to reveal the truth to my friends. The weight of being 19 weeks pregnant with my son felt almost overwhelming, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of anxiety and worry as I stepped out of the car.

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