Chapter 30

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As the hands of time continued their steady march, Bentley and I found solace in the comforting embrace of Greyson's home. It had transformed into a sanctuary that enveloped us with a sense of belonging. Amidst the passage of days, Bentley's gummy smile revealed his first tooth, marking a milestone in his growth. Even though his first birthday was still two months away, we eagerly began planning the celebration, cherishing every moment of anticipation.

As Bentley blossomed into a little person, he undeniably inherited Greyson's captivating allure, with his dark locks and mesmerizing blue eyes. It was a beautiful resemblance that bound them together.

However, life's journey wasn't always smooth sailing. Bentley endured countless sleepless nights, his cries echoing through the house as teething pains took their toll. Greyson and I became relentless soldiers in the battle against sleep deprivation. Amidst the chaos, I found myself swimming in a sea of overdue schoolwork, overwhelmed by the seemingly insurmountable task of becoming a doctor. Doubts began to creep into my mind, threatening to shatter my dreams.

Inevitably, moments of tension arose between Greyson and me. Yet, during heated arguments, he never resorted to hurtful words or abandoned us like before. It was a testament to the growth and strength of our bond, a reassurance that we were in this together, come what may.

One evening, as Bentley lay in my arms, his tiny fingers exploring the world around him, Greyson joined us in the living room. His eyes were weary, and I could see the exhaustion etched upon his face.

"I don't know how much longer we can keep up like this," Greyson confessed, his voice heavy with fatigue.

I sighed, my weariness seeping into my response. "I know, Greyson. Bentley's teething phase has been relentless. It feels like we're living in an endless cycle of sleep deprivation."

He ran a hand through his dark hair, frustration evident in his eyes. "And on top of that, we both have our battles to fight. Your schoolwork is piling up, and I'm trying to do my best to support us. It's overwhelming."

I nodded, grateful that he understood the weight I carried on my shoulders. "I sometimes wonder if I'll ever make it through medical school. It feels impossible, especially with Bentley needing so much of our attention."

Greyson's gaze softened, his voice filled with unwavering support. "You will make it, love. I believe in you. We just have to find a way to balance our responsibilities. We can't let our dreams slip away."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at our son, his innocent face full of wonder. "I want Bentley to have a better life than we did. I want to give him everything."

Greyson gently cupped my face, his thumb wiping away a stray tear. "And we will, together. We may be young parents, but that doesn't mean we can't succeed. We'll figure it out, one step at a time."

His words infused me with renewed hope and determination. We may have been teenagers thrust into the daunting realm of parenthood, but we were determined to rise above the challenges. A least I hoped that we could.

As a family, we all gathered together to enjoy a movie night, watching The Lion King. To our delight, Bentley, our youngest, had developed a newfound love for the film. However, Greyson, our eldest, had grown weary of the repetitive viewings. Eventually, Bentley succumbed to sleepiness, prompting Greyson to tenderly carry him to his room and gently place him in his crib.

Meanwhile, I decided to make my way to our bedroom and settled into bed, eagerly awaiting Greyson's arrival. It didn't take long before he joined me, and I couldn't resist pulling him down for a passionate kiss.

"Mercedes," he chuckled, pulling away slightly. "You're turning into quite the insatiable one, aren't you?"

"Only because you're so incredibly talented," I playfully protested, craving his lips once more. He obliged, leaning over me, his touch sending shivers down my spine. Slowly, he began to undress me, lavishing kisses upon every inch of my body. Each touch elicited a moan from me as he expertly explored my most sensitive areas.

"I need you," I gasped, breathless, my fingers entangled in his hair as I pulled him up to capture his lips. The taste of our passion lingered, but I paid no mind. Guiding him inside me, I surrendered to the waves of pleasure that consumed us.

Our lovemaking was both intense and urgent, a fear of waking Bentley with our unrestrained passion lingering in the back of our minds. Thankfully, we managed to keep our ardor contained. Afterward, we lay intertwined, our bodies still trembling from the intensity of our connection.

"That was beyond words," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to my tousled hair. "When did you become such a force in the bedroom?"

"I suppose it started when I fell in love with you," I confessed, basking in the warmth of his embrace.

Just as we were drifting off to sleep, a sudden crash echoed from downstairs, jolting us awake. Fear gripped me as Greyson swiftly retrieved a gun from his nightstand, prepared to protect our family at all costs.

Whispering urgently, Greyson implores, "Please, stay right here," his eyes brimming with concern. However, our bedroom door is abruptly forced open, and a swarm of police officers, clad in bulletproof vests, flood into the room, brandishing their weapons.

"DEA! Stay motionless, get on the ground!" One of the officers bellows, fixating his gaze on the firearm in Greyson's hand, instantly raising his weapon in response. "Drop the weapon this instant, or I will not hesitate to shoot!"

Forfeiting the gun, Greyson releases it onto the floor, as we both obediently collapse onto our stomachs. The sound of Bentley's cries filters through the walls from the adjacent room, but attempting to glance up only subjects me to the barrel of a gun pressed against my face.

"Stay still," the officer reiterates, tears cascading down my cheeks. Diverting my gaze to the side, I catch sight of Greyson lying face-down, surrounded by an arsenal of guns aimed at him. Simultaneously, I hear the commotion of officers ransacking our home, tearing it apart in their search.

"We've found it," a female voice announces. "Approximately 10 pounds of heroin."

Heroin? Greyson, what the fuck have you gotten us into?

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