Chapter 8

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It had been two months since we found out about the pregnancy, and I was now about 18 weeks. The clinic we went to only offered one ultrasound, which I found incredibly frustrating. I still hadn't even told my mom yet, but tonight was the night I had to do it.

Greyson and I had remained friends after our failed attempt at a date. I could sense that I had wounded his ego when I asked him to leave that day. He would text me almost daily to check up on me and the baby, and we hung out a few times. However, most of the time, I just wanted to sleep, while I heard he continued to go out with his friends, drinking and partying.

As for Alex, our relationship wasn't as close as it used to be. I knew I was hurting him with my distance and despised myself for it. But with Greyson, the baby, my mom, and school, I felt overwhelmed and had no time to spare. Exhaustion consumed me, and I longed to sleep my days away. Although Alex tried to understand, he couldn't help but worry about me.

I had also made the difficult decision to drop out of the play for The Breakfast Club and quit basketball. Additionally, I contemplated quitting Student Council after the Winter Dance.

Getting ready for school, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror as I removed my nightshirt. My baby bump was still small, but noticeable under my clothes. Thank goodness it was hoodie weather, allowing me to conceal it from prying eyes. I threw on a hoodie and jeans before making my way downstairs.

Grabbing a piece of toast smeared with peanut butter and strawberry jam, I headed towards the door, only to be taken aback by the sight of Greyson parked in my driveway. Irritation flared within me as I climbed into the passenger seat and glared at him. "You could have at least called first."

He simply smiled at me, appearing oblivious to my annoyance. "I figured since people will start finding out soon, we should at least be seen together at school before anyone knows. Everyone should know we are friends first, so they won't think it was just a one-night stand."

Nervously biting my bottom lip, I lowered my gaze to my lap. It was a valid point. It would help the situation. "I didn't realize you cared so much about my reputation," I joked before my tone turned serious. "I'm scared to tell anyone," I admitted.

"We have to do it eventually. We can't hide it forever, and I'll be by your side through all of it. We're in this together," he reassured me.

I nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and relief. "I need to tell my mom first."

"When?" he inquired.

"I don't know... I want you to meet her first, so I can calculate her opinion of you."

"It's Friday. Can I come over for dinner tonight?"

I simply nodded, unable to find the words to respond. He smiled at me as we pulled into the school parking lot. "It's a date. Hopefully better than our last one." He jokes.

The school day flew by in a whirlwind. I was surprised at how quickly it passed. A few girls approached me, curious about Greyson giving me a ride to school. I lied, telling them that my car had broken down and Greyson, being an occasional person I talk to, offered me a ride. Some believed me, while others seemed skeptical. Honestly, it didn't matter to me. I don't think anyone ever expected us to become friends anyway. I was the favored, smart, and sometimes rebellious girl, while he was the embodiment of a bad boy.

Before I knew it, the final bell rang, and there stood Greyson, waiting for me at my locker. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he said, "I'm guessing you need a ride home?"

I rolled my eyes and began putting my books in my locker. My arms stretched in relief as I did so. Carrying all these heavy books was starting to take a toll on my back. "Obviously," I replied, my tone laced with sarcasm.

"You know," he offered, "I could carry your books for you if they're getting too heavy."

I shook my head. "Thanks, but I'm fine."

"Just let me know," he said with a smile. I followed him to his car, grateful for the relief from the weight of my backpack.

As Greyson buckled his seatbelt and started the car, he asked, "So, what time is dinner?"

My heart skipped a beat. Crap. I had forgotten about that. "6 pm," I quickly answered, mentally scolding myself for my lack of preparation.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him, the uncertainty evident in my voice.

He glanced at me and smiled reassuringly. "Nah. I got this. I'm good with parents."

A pang of worry struck me as I thought about my brother, Brandon. Greyson had been selling weed to him, and I couldn't help but wonder how he would react when he found out that his little sister was pregnant by his drug dealer. "I'm more worried about Brandon," I admitted. "I don't think he's going to like it when he finds out."

He cursed under his breath. "Fuck. I honestly didn't even think about your brother. We'll figure it out, though."

Doubt clouded my mind as we drove in silence. However, he surprised me by reaching for my hand and intertwining his fingers with mine. He held my hand tightly throughout the entire drive home. Maybe there was more to this bad boy than I had originally thought.

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