Chapter 27

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Greyson POV

Halloween came and went, Bentley dressed as an inmate while Mercedes and I decided to dress up as police officers. It was a fun-filled evening spent at her house, and her mother and brother joined us in handing out candy. As we all laughed and enjoyed the festivities, a wave of sadness and remorse washed over me whenever I glanced at the girl I love, reminding myself of the pain I caused her.

I made sure to spend as much time as possible with my son, treasuring every moment we had together. And when he wasn't with me, I threw myself into work. I labored tirelessly at my uncle's shop, but I also put time into my secret side hustle: selling drugs, particularly heroin, to make ends meet. I was well aware of the risks involved, but I never engaged in any illegal activities when Bentley was around. I never touched the stuff but peddling it paid the bills and baby expenses.

Slowly but surely, Mercedes and I began to rebuild our relationship, striving toward a stable friendship. Yet, deep down, I knew that the flame of our past love still flickered within both of us. The guilt I carried for causing her pain still consumed me, and I craved a chance to make amends. The more time we spent together, the more I felt the absence of her friendship and the laughter of our son in my big lonely house.

As Thanksgiving approached, I found myself sprawled on the couch, unsure of how to occupy my time. Just when I had settled into a state of aimless thoughts, a knock interrupted the silence of the night.

Reluctantly, I forced myself up and towards the door. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Mercedes standing on the porch.

"What's wrong? Where's Bentley? Is he alright?" Panic surged through me as I bombarded her with questions, wondering why she is there.

She quickly reassures me, "He's fine, he's with my mom and Brandon. I'm so sorry, I should've called."

"No, it's alright. You don't have to call, you know that," I reply, widening the door to invite her inside.

She had a worried expression inscribed on her face, so I asked, "Mer, what's going on? Something seems to be worrying you."

Her honesty caught me off guard, "I can't stop thinking about you. I should hate you, but I can't. I'm torn. I can't move on or forget about you. I can't even eat or sleep. I miss our family, Grey." Tears welled up in her eyes, and instinctively, I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I don't expect you to forgive me or give me another chance, but if you do, know that I will never hurt you like that again," I promise her, holding her close after months of longing. I missed her significantly.

Her voice trembled as she spoke, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I want to try again. But if you ever betray me again, we'll never be a family. I'll be gone forever. I just can't go through that again."

The weight of living without her and our family bore down on me, and I knew I could never endure that again. "I understand what it's like to be without you, and I never want to experience it again. I love you, and you're the only one I want, Mer," I confessed openly.

She gazed up at me, and I gently brushed away her tears, our lips meeting in a slow, passionate kiss. My arms enclosed around her delicate frame, reveling in the sensation of her lips on mine at last. Her response surprised and thrilled me as she deepened the kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth and her body pressing against mine with fervor.

Our bodies ignited together with a long-forgotten passion, and over a year of pent-up desire as we quickly began taking each other's clothes off, throwing them all over the floor. The living room transformed into a realm of intensity and I gently laid her naked body on the couch and entered myself inside of her. Every touch, every caress, was fueled with the desperation of a love that had been dormant for far too long.

The weight of the past year melted away as our bodies entwined, acquainting themselves with one another. The room filled with the sound of our heavy breathing and our heartbeats pounding in syncopation. It felt as if time stood still, in that moment, it was just the two of us, consumed by the fire that had burned between us so brightly.

Our bodies moved in perfect rhythm as the intensity of our connection began to intensify. We began rediscovering not only the physical aspects of our relationship but also the emotional bond that had been broken. With each whisper of passion and every moan of pleasure, it became clear that we were meant to be together, no matter the obstacles we faced.

Our passion reached its peak, and I embraced her tightly in my arms, feeling a deep longing for her after these past few months of separation.

"Are you still taking birth control?" I ask her, feeling a small panic rise in me.

"Yes, of course." She reassures me.

Curiously, she traced the detailed tattoos covering my chest with her soft fingers. "So, this is what I've been missing all this time?" She asks playfully.

"Well, you knew what you were missing." I teased her.

"Yes, but that feels like a faraway memory now and we were pretty drunk. I'm grateful we waited until now though." She says, her voice filled with nostalgia.

Tenderly, I plant a gentle kiss on the crown of her head and whisper, "Me too."

"Did you enjoy it?" she asks hesitantly, her face flushed with a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. I met her gaze, sensing the sincerity behind her question.

"Baby, you were truly incredible. Why would you doubt yourself?" I respond gently trying to reassure her.

"You just have so much more experience than me... I can't help but feel a bit insecure." She says shyly.

I held her tight, wanting to communicate my genuine feelings. "Tonight, with you, has been the most incredible night of my life. You are perfect."

Curiosity suddenly sparked within me, "By the way, who was the person you were with before me? I've always wondered."

"It happened during our freshman year when Alex and I decided to attend Bible camp for the summer. I met this guy named Trevor, the pastor's son, and we had a connection. One night, we snuck out and ended up in the church... and, well, it just happened." She admits.

"You lost your virginity in a church?" I blurt out, unable to contain my laughter.

She laughed along with me, "Yes... I thought I was going to hell for it. But honestly, it was a terrible experience. It hurt so much, and it was awkward and uncomfortable and he flopped around like a fish. We never spoke again after that. I think we were both too mortified."

I was still chucking and couldn't help but comment, "I'm still shocked that you lost your virginity in a damn church, with the pastor's son. Maybe I should start taking you to church." She playfully slapped my chest, joining in my laughter.

I embraced her naked body and held her closer, appreciative to have her in my arms once more. We drifted off to sleep, cherishing the ability to laugh together and take pleasure in each other's company.

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