Chapter 25

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I was filled with hurt after Greyson unexpectedly left us. Although we had argued countless times before, his words have never been so harsh, nor had he ever walked out during the middle of a heated exchange. Attempting to distract myself, I focused on Bentley's bedtime routine, assuring myself that Greyson would return home soon. He was not the type to sleep off an argument.

Once I had settled my son in his crib beside my bed, I laid down restlessly, consumed by worry. Hours slipped by, and I couldn't reach out to him since he forgot his phone at home. I spent the entire night sitting up, plagued by the worst-case scenarios. Was he cheating? Did something horrible happen to him? Would he ever return? While I desperately tried to convince myself that he just needed time to reflect, suspicion chewed at my heart.

As dawn broke, I was exhausted. sitting on the couch, my drained from waiting for Greyson all night. Finally, he walked through the front door, and a whirlwind of emotions flooded through me. Initially, the impulse to leap off the couch, embrace him, and apologize overwhelmed me. However, as I moved to wrap my arms around his neck, the undeniable scent of alcohol, marijuana, and perfume greeted me, and I instantly pulled back.

"Greyson," I managed to utter, my voice quivering. "Where have you been all night?"

His expression was filled with guilt as he desperately searched for a way to explain himself.

"I... I made a mistake, Mer," he finally confessed, his voice barely audible. "I ran into someone from my past and we got pretty fucked up last night and lost in a haze of drugs and poor judgment and we slept together. My mind was so clouded and I wasn't thinking straight. I am so sorry. I wish I could take it back."

I felt a surge of anger and betrayal within me, a wildfire threatening to consume the remains of our relationship. "And what about us? What about our son? What about the life we built together? Did that mean nothing to you?"

"No, Mer, it means everything to me," he responded, his voice filled with remorse. It was difficult to hear him admit his guilt but I didn't care.

His words stirred conflicting emotions within me. I stood at the crossroads of pain, torn between the desire to protect myself from further hurt and the constant love I still held for him.

Greyson reached out to me, his touch familiar yet tainted by the broken trust. I flinched instantly as if his hand were a searing flame, a reminder of the pain he had caused. "I will do anything, anything to make it right. I will seek therapy, work tirelessly to better myself, and do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust that once stood between us. Please, give me the chance to prove that I can be the man you deserve. To provide you with the family you deserve."

"I don't know if I can, Greyson," I replied, my voice choked with tears. "I don't know if I can live with the constant fear of you falling back into your old habits. I don't know if I can trust you again. I already took a chance on you once."

I turned my back to him, a lump forming in my throat as I looked around at the life we had built together. The photographs of our happier times seemed to mock me, a cruel reminder of the love we once shared. My gaze fell upon Bentley's swing, his tiny shoes, his soft blankets. Our son deserved better.

With a deep breath, I began packing. Clothes for Bentley, his favorite toys, and the necessities for me. Greyson watched, paralyzed, as I disassembled the life we had built together. It was as if he was witnessing a natural disaster, powerless to stop the destruction.

When everything was packed, I turned to Greyson once more. His eyes were filled with regret, pain, and tears, but I had made my decision. "I'm going to my mom's," I said, my voice echoing in the now-empty house. "I need time to think, to heal. I need to figure out what's best for Bentley and me."

With that, I picked up Bentley from his crib, and his little fingers curled around my thumb. I took one last look at the man I had once trusted completely, my heart aching with a pain I had never known. His face was filled with regret but I couldn't stand to look at him another moment.

And then I left, stepping out into the cold summer morning, carrying the weight of my broken heart and the future of my son. I had no idea what lay ahead, but I knew I had to be strong. For Bentley. For myself.

As I arrived at my mom's house, the weight of my decision settled heavily upon my shoulders. The tears that had threatened to spill over during the drive finally fell on my cheeks, mixing with the raindrops that fell from the darkened sky. I clutched Bentley tightly against my chest, seeking comfort in his innocent presence.

I took a deep breath and walked through the front door without knocking. My mom and Brandon were in the living room watching tv. Their concerned expressions melted into a mix of surprise and empathy as they took in the sight of me, crying and broken.

"Mercedes," my mom exclaimed, her voice filled with worry. "What happened? Why are you here so early in the morning?"

I just shook my head, unable to speak as fresh tears streamed down my face. My mom's eyes filled with a mix of confusion and concern as she reached out to take Bentley from me and my brother stood up and hugged me and I sobbed into his shirt.

"What happened, baby?" my mom asked gently, her voice laced with a mixture of love and concern. "Why are you here?"

Through choked sobs, I finally managed to share the painful truth of Greyson's recent betrayal. The exposure hung in the air, heavy with the weight of broken dreams and shattered trust. My mom's face contorted with a mix of anger and sadness, her protective instincts kicking in.

"I can't believe he would do something like this," she said, her voice trembling. "You deserve so much better. Bentley deserves better."

However, Brandon's response caught me off guard. Instead of reacting in the way I had anticipated, he enveloped me in a comforting embrace, like a protective brother and I hugged him back tightly. Yet, I could sense the tension in his muscles and the clench of his jaw. He pulled away without speaking a word, snatched his car keys, and headed towards the front door.

"Brandon, what on earth are you doing?" I exclaimed, shocked. "Please don't tell me you're going over there!"

"Stay out of it, Mer," he replied before disappearing through the front door.

I turned to my mother, expecting her to intervene and stop him. However, to my surprise, she simply wrapped her arm around me and guided me toward my room, so we could prepare it for Bentley and me.

About an hour later, Brandon returned home with a busted lip but otherwise appeared unharmed.

"Did you and Greyson get into a fight?" I demanded with concern.

"He cheated on you. Why should you care about what happens to him?" he retorted.

"Because he's still the father of my child," I responded, frustration seeping into my voice. "I don't need my big brother to defend me, either."

"Yeah, well, he cheated on you and destroyed your family. He ruined my baby sister's and nephew's lives. He's lucky he only got a broken nose. Look, I'm sorry, sis. I didn't mean to upset you, but he deserved it."

I understood Brandon's perspective, but I couldn't shake off my lingering protectiveness toward Greyson. He had been an amazing father to Bentley and an incredible boyfriend to me before his adultery. The reality of it all still seemed surreal.

Remaining silent, I retreated to my room and fell into an unsteady sleep, clutching Bentley tightly. Silent tears streamed down my face as I grappled with the heartbreak and betrayal I had to endure.

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