Chapter 24

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                           Greyson POV

As I stormed out of the house, rage and frustration consumed me. My mind was clouded, and I knew my words were sharp and hurtful. Deep down, I knew I didn't mean what I said. But at that moment, I was too exhausted and overwhelmed to control or understand my emotions. Fuck I swear I have never been this tired in my life.

As I continued to wander, my mind replayed the moments leading up to the fight. The sleepless nights, the constant demands of parenting, and the overwhelming responsibility had taken their toll. I had allowed my frustration to spill out, directing it at the wrong people. It wasn't her or Bentley's fault for the sacrifices I had made, it was simply the reality of our situation. I had chosen to be there for them, to support them, and to be a loving father, unlike my own. I couldn't blame them for the challenges we faced, and yet I did, I couldn't help it.

But as I walked further, my thoughts began to shift. A familiar voice echoed in my mind, tempting me with an escape from the pain and unrest. Carter's voice. He had always been the friend to offer an easy way out, a temporary relief from the pressures of life.

I knew he was throwing a party tonight. A wild one, as always. The thought of getting high and drunk suddenly seemed tempting. Maybe it could numb the ache inside me, even if just for a little while. It was a dangerous notion, but at that moment, I craved an escape from my own emotions and responsibilities. This is exactly what I needed right now and it's been so long since I have had any fun.

My steps quickly made their way toward Carter's house. The sound of music and laughter grew louder with each passing street. As I approached the house, I could see the glow of colorful lights illuminating the night sky. The energy of the party pulsed through the air, beckoning me inside.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and walked into a scene of chaos. People were dancing, laughing, and losing themselves in the haze of intoxication. The smell of liquor and marijuana filled the air, suffocating my senses. The sight before me was both exhilarating and overwhelming and I hadn't realized how much I missed this.

As the night wore on, I found myself surrounded by friends, both old and new. We laughed, we danced, and we indulged in the freedom that was offered. Each sip of alcohol and each puff of smoke or line of cocaine seemed to lift the weight off my shoulders, replacing it with a euphoric haze. Something I haven't felt in so long.

Amidst the chaos, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face across the room. It was as if time was standing still, and my heart skipped a beat as I recognized it was Aspen. Memories crashed through my mind like a tidal wave, reminding me of the magnetic connection we had shared in the past.

In a haze of swirling emotions, fueled by the intoxicating combination of alcohol and drugs, I found myself drawn towards her like a moth to a flame. Our eyes locked, and at that moment, I was no longer thinking, I found myself walking through the crowd and towards her.

"Hey there, stranger," I greeted with a warm smile, steadying myself against the counter as the booze began to take its toll.

"Wow, I never expected to see you here," she responded, her beautiful blue eyes filled with confusion. "How are things with your girlfriend and son?"

Releasing my grip on the countertop, I stumbled slightly and glanced around uncomfortably. "To be honest, not great and I am so fucking tired. But tonight, I'm here to forget about them for a little while. I just need to feel like myself again, you know?"

She nodded, her gaze piercing through me. "I'm sorry to hear that. I genuinely hope things get better soon." Her sincerity was obvious, and I consciously averted my eyes from her seductive figure.

She was dressed in a black tank top dress that accentuated her curves, and the thought of her naked body stirred excitement within me. Swiftly changing the subject, I suggested, "Since you're here, can I get you a drink? I'd love to catch up and hear all about your adventures in Europe."

A smile played on her lips and she nodded eagerly. "I'd like that, Grey."

As the night grew hazier, Aspen and I were inevitably drawn together, doing shots and snorting cocaine. The weight of unresolved emotions and unfinished business from our past hung heavy in the air, suffocating us with its intensity. All the words left unspoken were now right out on the table.

The night became out of control as we snuck into a random bedroom. In the blurred lines between right and wrong and we surrendered to the depths of our desires, surrendering to a brief escape from the pain and regret that had haunted me. It had been so long since I had been with anyone, and the relief was intoxicating. But deep within my soul, I could feel that what we were doing was a mistake that couldn't be forgiven.

As the morning sun timidly peeked through the curtains, it cast a harsh light on the reality of what had transpired. I lay tangled in disorganized sheets, consumed by a flood of guilt and confusion. The weight of my actions came crashing down on me like an avalanche. I had not only betrayed the trust of Mercedes and Bentley, but I had also betrayed the very identity of who I was. Even though I haven't slept in days, I suddenly felt wide awake.

Aspen woke up beside me, her face filled with regret and longing. The room felt awkward and strained under the heavy burden of our reckless actions. It was painfully clear that our impulsive night of passion had only muddied the waters of our already complicated lives and I could tell she felt wrong for what had happened.

"I'm sorry... We shouldn't have done what we did." She says as she quickly gathers her clothes that have been tossed around the room.

"No... We shouldn't have." I whisper, blurry visions of me throwing her up against the walls, kissing her entire body, losing myself in her the night before all come rushing back to me with remorse. "Aspen, we can't see each other again, I'm sorry."

Carrying the weight of a heavy heart, I slipped out of Carter's house, our night of sex and drugs echoing in my mind. I felt like a ghost, a hollow shell of the man I once was, swallowed by waves of guilt and shame.

As I traveled the distance back home, I found myself thinking over the consequences of my actions. Could any amount of parties, indulgence in drugs, or moments of passion ever truly mend the wounds in my soul? They were mere distractions, diversions from the aching void that gnawed at my spirit. I didn't want to be that person anymore. I wanted to change.

Upon reaching my doorstep, I exhaled a deep sigh, preparing myself for the uphill battle that lay ahead. There was no magic wand to erase the fallout of my actions, no time machine to rewind the hurt I had inflicted. The only path forward was to face the harsh light of truth, accept my mistakes, and embark on the difficult journey of mending the trust and love I had shattered. It was a daunting task, but it was the only redemption I could hope for now.

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