Chapter 36

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Time flew by as I juggled my responsibilities at work, being a devoted mother to Bentley, and exploring a blossoming romance with Levi. Without realizing it, we found ourselves immersed in the holiday season, bustling with Christmas shopping, cookie decorating, and taking Bentley to meet Santa. However, a pang of guilt tugged at my heartstrings as I thought about Greyson's absence during Bentley's second Christmas. Determined to bridge the gap, I reached out to Greyson and arranged a visit in the designated visitation room a few days before the festive occasion.

Visiting Greyson in the confinement of the visitation room had become a familiar routine for us. Although initially hesitant, I recognized that he was a loving father, and it was crucial for Bentley to have a connection with him and not forget him, even if it meant enduring the prison visits.

The night before our scheduled visit, Levi arrives at my place, and we decide to make the most of our time together. We stay up all night, indulging in Disney movies with Bentley, before tenderly placing him in his crib. Then, we nestle into my bed, watching Game of Thrones, a show I had adamantly refused to watch until Levi's persuasion won me over. Surprisingly, I have to confess that the show was undeniably captivating.

Nestled against his chest, his embrace secure, we lay together after the show, reveling in each other's presence.

"I love you," he whispers, holding my face delicately in his hands, his brown eyes sincere.

His words, uttered for the first time, ignite a flutter of butterflies in my stomach. "I love you too," I respond, kissing him passionately. Yet, within me, a pang of guilt and betrayal towards Greyson lingers. I had believed he would forever hold my heart, and our shared journey was irreplaceable. However, his prioritization of selling drugs over our family ultimately tore us apart.

Levi pulls me closer, deepening our kiss. This surprises me, as our previous encounters had never ventured beyond making out. He proves to be an adept kisser, his lips gentle and inviting. While I relish in the moment, a twinge of guilt accompanies our connection. A soft moan escapes my lips as his tongue explores my mouth and his hand grazes my breast. Sensing my hesitation, I withdraw from the intensity.

"Are you alright, Mercedes?" he asks, concern etched in his voice.

"Yeah, I just..." My words trail off, and I avert my gaze, gently clasping his hands in mine.

"Hey, we don't have to do anything," he reassures me, his touch comforting. "I enjoy kissing you, more than anything. But I'm in no rush, and we can take things as slowly as you need."

A smile graces my face as I kiss him tenderly. "Thank you, that means the world to me. Honestly, I'm not ready to engage in sex yet. I am on birth control but the risk of pregnancy could kill me, and it terrifies me."

He envelops me in his arms, planting a gentle kiss atop my head. "I had no idea. When you're ready, we'll take every precaution available, alright?"

I nod, meeting his gaze, and secure my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his. "You know, I wouldn't mind exploring other intimate acts as we take our time."

"Hmm, like what?" he inquires playfully, punctuating his question with kisses.

"You tell me," I reply, a mischievous twinkle in my eyes. And so, he proceeds to trail kisses down my body, stopping at my pajama shorts. He plants soft kisses on the inside of my thighs, gradually removing my shorts, and delicately lowers his head between my legs. It turns out, taking it slow felt really, really, good.

As I woke up the next morning, a surge of panic washed over me. We had overslept, and I realized I was going to be late for Greyson's visitation.

"Levi, wake up," I urgently say, quickly throwing on a pair of jeans and a sweater over my underwear.

Levi stirs, yawning as he sits up. He's shirtless from last night, and his tanned muscles distract me for a moment before I toss him his t-shirt. "Get dressed. I need to wake Bentley, get him ready, feed him, and then we have to head to the prison."

He swings his legs over the edge of the bed, slipping on his t-shirt. "What can I help you with?"

"Go downstairs and blend up some strawberries and bananas for Bentley's breakfast. We'll be down in a minute," I instruct, grateful for his willingness to assist.

Levi nods, his eyes still heavy with sleep, and heads downstairs to the kitchen. Meanwhile, I rush to Bentley finding him stirring in his crib. His curly brown hair sticks up in every direction, making him look even more adorable.

"Good morning, my little man," I coo, lifting him into my arms. His bright blue eyes meet mine, and a toothy grin spreads across his face. Every day he looks more and more like Greyson.

I quickly change his diaper and dress him in a cute little onesie adorned with tiny elephants. As I fasten the buttons, I can't help but feel a mixture of sadness and hopefulness.

Heading downstairs, I find Levi expertly blending the fruits into a smooth puree. The sweet aroma fills the air, instantly making my stomach rumble.

"Breakfast is served," Levi announces, pouring the mixture into a small bowl.

I settle Bentley into his high chair, securing the tray in place. He eagerly opens his mouth as I feed him spoonfuls of the fruity concoction. His giggles and messy eating bring a smile to my face, momentarily easing the weight of the day's upcoming visitation.

Once Bentley finishes his breakfast, we quickly gather our things and head out to the car. The morning air is crisp, and the rays of sunshine dance through the trees, offering a glimmer of hope for the day ahead.

Arriving at the prison, my heart pounds in my chest. I take a deep breath, reminding myself to stay strong for both Bentley and myself. As we enter the visiting area, I spot Greyson waiting for us, his face etched with a mixture of gratitude and longing.

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