Chapter 35

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The next morning, I called Levi to let him know that I'd love to go out with him on Friday night. He seems genuinely excited, but I can't help feeling nervous. Even though Greyson has been in jail and we've been broken up for a few months now, it still feels wrong, like I'm betraying him and our family somehow.

Thankfully, today is my day off, so I get to spend it with Bentley. He spends most of the day running around, playing with his toys, while I attempt to teach him games like tag and hide and seek, although with limited success. By the time my mom and Brandon come home from work, Bentley and I are curled up under a blanket fort in the living room, enjoying The Lion King on my laptop. He falls asleep, and I quietly crawl out of the fort to join my mom and brother in the kitchen.

As I walk into the room, my mom asks, "Would you like a cup of ice tea?"

"Yes, please," I respond, taking a seat on the kitchen island. She hands me my glass, and I take a refreshing sip.

"Did you and Bentley have a good day?" she asks, genuinely interested.

"Yeah, it was pretty good," I tell her. "I was wondering if you could watch him tomorrow night for me. I have a date with Levi."

"Oh, sweetheart, I wish I could, but I'll be working overtime tomorrow night," she says with regret.

But then, surprisingly, Brandon chimes in, "I can watch him."

"Really?" I ask, scooting around to face him.

"Yeah, I don't mind hanging out with the little guy," he says, giving me a warm smile.

"Thanks, I owe you one," I tell him, finishing my tea before heading to bed in the blanket fort with Bentley.

The next day, I woke up with a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling inside me. It's finally the day of my date with Levi. As I go through my morning routine, my mind races with thoughts of what to wear and how the evening will go. I settle on a cute and casual outfit that I hope will look cute.

In the afternoon, I hang out with my brother and Bentley. We chill in the living room, watching our favorite show on Netflix and sharing a bag of chips. Bentley always knows how to lighten the mood

Just as I'm about to get dressed, Brandon knocks on my door. I invite him in, and he takes a seat on my bed. He looks at me with a mix of concern and hesitation.

"Hey, sis," he starts, his voice filled with caution and care. "Can we talk for a sec?"

I pause, sensing that this might be an important conversation. "Sure, what's up?" I reply, sitting down next to him.

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Look, I know you are nervous about giving Levi a chance, and that's cool. But you don't have to feel bad for Greyson. He was nice, but let's be honest, he was also a troublemaker. Levi, on the other hand, seems like a genuinely good guy. He seems to really make you happy when you are with him at the shelter."

I nod, taking in Brandon's words. He's got a point. Greyson had his charms, but he also had a knack for stirring up trouble. Levi, on the other hand, has always been sweet and reliable.

"You deserve someone who's gonna be there for you and Bentley, someone who won't bring chaos into your lives," He adds, his voice laced with brotherly protectiveness. "I think Levi might be that guy."

"Thanks, Brandon," I say, genuinely appreciative. "You're right. Levi has been a good friend to me, and I need to give him a chance. It's time to let go of the past."

Brandon beams, his eyes filled with pride. "That's the spirit, sis. I just want what's best for you and my nephew. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

We share a tight hug before I go back to getting ready for my date. With a new sense of confidence, I apply a light touch of makeup and fix my hair. As I look at myself in the mirror, I feel a surge of excitement. I'm ready to dive into this date with Levi, grateful for the support and wise words of my brother. I smile as I hear a knock at the door.

I open the door and greet Levi with a shy smile of my own.

"Hey," I say, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

"Hey," he replies, his voice filled with warmth. "You look great."

Blushing, I thank him and invite him inside. As we make our way to the living room, I notice Bentley playing with his toys on the floor. Levi's eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly recovers with a gentle smile.

"Is this Bentley?" he asks, crouching down to his level.

I nod, feeling a sense of relief as Bentley giggles and reaches out for Levi. He picks him up, and they share a sweet moment together. My heart swells with happiness, seeing them bond so effortlessly.

Brandon joins us in the living room, offering a polite smile. After introductions, he nods at Levi and says, "Take care of her."

Levi nods sincerely. "I will," he promises, his eyes filled with determination.

With introductions complete, we leave the house and embark on our surprise date. Throughout the evening, we drive through the city, enjoying each other's company and sharing stories. I opened up about Greyson and our past together and he listened without judgment.  As we approach our destination, Levi parks the car near a beautiful beach.

"I thought a beach picnic would be a nice surprise," he says, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, I take his hand in mine and give it a grateful squeeze. "Thank you. This means a lot."

We set up the picnic blanket and sit down to enjoy a simple, yet delicious meal. As the sun sets, painting the sky with soft hues of orange and pink, we talk and laugh, getting to know each other better. The sound of crashing waves and the gentle sea breeze create a peaceful ambiance.

We walk along the beach, hand in hand, as the waves crash against our feet. I was surprised at how much fun I was having, everything felt so effortless with him. He is cute, funny, and responsible. He pulls me in for a kiss, surprising me but his lips are soft and gentle and I couldn't help but kiss him back as the sun set around us.

The evening came to an end and we pack up our things and head back to the car, hand in hand. I feel a sense of contentment and hope as we drive away from the beach. With Levi's acceptance of Bentley and the support of my family, I can't help but feel optimistic about our future together.

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