Chapter 7

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By 6 pm the next night, I found myself frantically searching through my closet, unable to decide on the perfect outfit for my date with Greyson. I couldn't understand why I cared so much about impressing him, but something inside me desired to make a good impression.

My mom enters my room, looking stunning in a classy black dress and with her short dark hair curled and let down. She sits on the edge of my bed, her face beaming with happiness. It's a rare sight to see her like this.

"I can see you haven't found anything to wear on your date," she says, smiling warmly at me.

I eye her suspiciously, noticing her change in appearance. "Mom, do you have a date tonight?" I ask curiosity piqued.

She throws her hands up in the air and laughs. "Yes! You caught me! I'm going out with Jared from work." Her excitement is contagious, and I can't help but smile.

My mom hasn't been on a date in what feels like forever. I'm genuinely happy for her. "I'm happy for you, Mom," I tell her, feeling a rush of affection.

She gets up and hugs me tightly. "Thank you, sweetheart. Do you want me to help you find something to wear?"

I nod, grateful for her support. I hope she won't hate me when she finds out the truth.

In less than 10 minutes, my mom helps me put together a stunning outfit. She finds a long-sleeved, floor-length black silk gown with hints of blue and purple shimmering in the light. I let my hair down and leave it curly, opting for light makeup. Thankfully, the dress is loose and manages to hide my tiny bump.

Jared picks up my mom just as Greyson arrives. I take a few deep breaths before answering the knock at the door. When I open it, I'm greeted by Greyson, dressed in dark blue jeans and a black button-down shirt. His usually messy hair is neatly combed, and in his hands, he holds a bouquet of roses.

"You look beautiful," he says, handing me the roses.

Blushing, I thank him as I head to the kitchen to find a vase for the flowers. I choose a blue, see-through vase, one that used to belong to my Nana and fill it with water before delicately placing the roses inside.

"You have a nice place here," Greyson remarks, smiling warmly and his hands casually tucked into his pockets.

"Not, compared to your huge house, this is nothing," I reply, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"But it's homey and cozy. You can tell a family lives here. It's nice. My place doesn't have that feeling."

"Well maybe one day soon it will," I say shyly. "I decided to keep the baby."

"I am really glad to hear that, Mer." He says gently with genuine relief.

There is a sudden knock at the door and I excuse myself to answer it only to find Alex standing there.

"Mer, I've been trying to call you for weeks now!" Alex exclaims, his tone filled with concern.

"I've just needed some space lately," I explain, feeling a pang of guilt.

Alex's gaze shifts to Greyson, his expression filled with a mix of anger and protectiveness. "I can see that," he mutters, his eyes locked on Greyson.

"Alex, you have to understand, we have things to talk about," I plead, hoping he'll comprehend the complexity of the situation.

"I understand," he says, his glare still lingering on Greyson. "But if you hurt her, I will hurt you. You need to put on your big boy panties and do right by her or you will have to answer to me."

He turns to me, running his hands through his dirty blonde hair. "Call me tomorrow, okay?"

I nod, watching him leave, feeling a mix of emotions. As I shut the door, Greyson breaks the silence. "I should have kicked his ass."

I turn to Greyson, taken aback by his aggressive words. His face is devoid of any humor, making me question if he's being serious. A surge of anger rushes through me.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I retort, my voice trembling with indignation.

"If we are going to have a baby the last thing I need is you landing in jail or getting into a fight with my best friend!" My words choke in my throat as I say 'jail', the thought of it stirring up a wave of emotions, thanks to my pregnancy hormones.

Greyson looks down at me, his eyes reflecting remorse. "I'm sorry. I promise to try and stay out of trouble. But it bothers me to see another guy constantly hovering around my child."

"Well, Alex isn't going anywhere. Not now, not ever. So, you better get used to it," I snap back, adamant about my stand.

"Hey, Mercedes, I'm sorry. It's just that everyone has always assumed something was going on between you two," he tries to explain.

"Well, everyone was wrong," I retort, my anger unabated.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to control my temper better," he reassures me, but I can't help but wonder if his jealousy isn't just about the baby.

I nod, swallowing back the tears welling up in my eyes. I despise crying in front of people.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks gently, trying to ease the tension.

"No, I'm not going anywhere," I respond, my tone stubborn. I half-expect Greyson to lose his temper, maybe even call me a spoiled brat and storm out, but instead, he calmly sits on my couch.

"Well, are you going to come sit with me?" he invites, his tone warm. After a moment's hesitation, I sit on the couch, maintaining a considerable distance from him.

"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice filled with concern. "I didn't mean to upset you. If you don't want me fighting, I won't."

"I don't care. I'm not your mom. Or even your girlfriend. You can do whatever you want," I reply, my words laced with bitterness. I realize I'm being harsh and unfair, but I can't seem to control the rage steaming within me.

"But you are carrying my baby and we are planning on keeping it now. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asks, his question taking me by surprise.

I stare at him, expecting him to burst into laughter and reveal it's all a joke, but he continues to gaze at me, his expression sincere.

Confused and overwhelmed, I don't know what I want. Instead, I ask him to leave so that I can get some rest. With that, I send him away, never answering his unexpected question.

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