Chapter 31

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Everything that comes next is a blur. Greyson and I find ourselves in handcuffs, our son Bentley crying in the arms of a random officer. The garage, once a sanctuary of sorts, is now the source of pound after pound of heroin being unearthed from its hidden spot.

Greyson desperately pleads with the officers, his voice filled with desperation. "She has nothing to do with this. Please, just let her take our son and call her mom."

Amidst tears streaming down my face, I muster the courage to speak up. "Please, just let me call my mom. I had no idea, I had no idea about any of this."

Greyson affirms my innocence. "It's true. This is all my fault and mine alone. She didn't know I was selling it."

A male officer turns his attention to me. "Is this true?" he asks, his gaze filled with skepticism.

I nod, my voice choked with emotion. "I just want to go home to my mom with my son. Please, I have no idea about any of this."

The officer takes charge, leading us to the sidewalk and opening the back door of a police car. Greyson slides in first, and I follow suit. The door is shut, leaving us alone in the confined space.

Greyson attempts to apologize, but I can't bear to hear his words. "No. You don't get to talk to me. Not ever again. Heroin, Greyson? Really? I could go to jail! Our son could be taken from me! Why the fuck would you do something like this?"

Silent tears stream down his cheeks as he tries to explain. "I just want to provide... To give you and Bentley the very best of everything." But I can't find it in me to feel any sympathy for him.

"I hope it was worth losing me forever," I retort coldly.

The officer returns, reopening the door. "Okay, ma'am, please step out of the car. We are going to ask you some questions, and then you can call your mom."

I exit the vehicle, leaving Greyson alone and handcuffed in the backseat. Panic sets in as I think about my baby boy. "What about my baby? Please don't take my baby! I had no idea about the drugs, and I'm not a bad mom, I promise!" My breathing becomes rapid, my mind consumed by the fear of losing Bentley.

Officer Cruz, sensing my distress, reassures me. "Hey, take a deep breath. You seem like a good kid. We don't want to take your baby, that's not our goal here, okay? What's your name?"

"Mercedes Benson," I manage to say between sniffles, my focus solely on Bentley.

"Hi Mercedes, I am Officer Cruz. Did you know your boyfriend was selling drugs?" he asks, pen and clipboard in hand.

"No, he said his family has money, so I just assumed they were helping us," I admit, my heart torn between sympathy for Greyson and anger at his actions. How could he do this to us?

"Okay. Is he the father of your baby?" Officer Cruz inquires further.

"Yes, but I never thought he would do anything like this. He's not a bad guy, he is a good dad and boyfriend," I defend Greyson, despite the situation.

"I understand that. Not all drug dealers are bad people. But he broke the law, and now he has to face the consequences."

After posing a few additional inquiries about my mother's identity and our home address, he gestures towards the female officer who is firmly holding Bentley.

Without any hesitation, Bentley stretches out his paw towards me and I immediately embrace him, clutching him tightly while tears stream down my face. "I am so sorry, Bentley, I am so sorry."

"Officer Gates will accompany you inside the house to help you gather your belongings, ensuring you and your baby are prepared. Meanwhile, I will contact your mother to arrange for her to come and pick you up," Officer Cruz informs me reassuringly.

As Officer Gates and I walk towards the house, the anxiety in my chest only intensifies. How will my mom react when she finds out about Greyson's arrest? Will she be furious with me for getting involved with someone like him? These thoughts race through my mind as we reach the front door.

We are only waiting about twenty minutes and I had multiple bags packed for me and Bentley by that time when my mom and Brandon pulled up to the house.

My mom turns her gaze toward us as she exits the car. Her eyes are red from crying, and her face displays a mixture of worry and disappointment. She rushes towards me, enveloping me in a tight hug, and I can feel her trembling from the emotional turmoil.

"Mercedes, my baby, are you okay?" she whispers, her voice laced with tears.

"I'm okay, Mom," I reply, my voice shaky. "But Greyson... he got arrested. He was selling drugs. I had no idea."

Kayla's grip on me tightens, and I can feel the anger radiating from her. "How could he do this to you? To Bentley?" she says.

"I don't know. He said he wanted to provide for us, to give us everything," I explain, tears streaming down my face. "But I can't forgive him for putting us in danger like this."

Kayla's anger slowly turns into deep sadness as she realizes the implications of Greyson's actions. "Oh, Mercedes. I can't even begin to understand what you're going through. But you and Bentley are safe now. That's all that matters."

As we hold each other tightly, letting the weight of the situation sink in, Brandon exits the car, his expression a mix of concern and anger. He wraps his arms around both of us, forming a protective shield.

"I can't believe he would do this to you guys," Brandon growls, his voice filled with a brotherly rage. "I'll make sure he pays for what he's done."

"No, Brandon," I say. "We need to focus on Bentley and ourselves. We can't let Greyson's actions effect us."

Kayla nods in agreement, wiping away her tears. "You're right. We'll get through this together. We'll make sure Bentley grows up surrounded by love and stability."

I felt a deep hurt and betrayal. A part of me hated Greyson but another part of me was deeply worried for him. I was just grateful I always had my mom and brother to turn to. It was time to move on with my life and put the boy I love behind me forever. Greyson's actions may have shattered our trust, but they will not define us.

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