Chapter 10

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Dinner started, and we all gathered around the table, the clinking of silverware filling the room. Anxious about the tension I sensed between Brandon and Greyson, I decided to distract everyone by starting a conversation. I carefully cut my noodles into small, manageable bites, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention.

"So, Lexie just got accepted into ASU next year," I said casually, taking a miniature bite of spaghetti.

"ASU? That's far," my mom commented, a hint of concern in her voice. "I hope you consider staying close to home and the family by attending a college in Washington."

I nodded, feigning agreement. "Yeah, I want to be near home and stay with the family."

Curiosity sparked in my mom's eyes as she turned her attention to Greyson. "Have you looked at any colleges yet?" Panic surged through me, knowing too well that he had no intention of pursuing higher education.

Clearing his throat, he replied, "Actually, I have a job as a mechanic. My uncle owns a big auto shop."

"That's interesting! Do you think you could take a look at my car sometime? It's been making this weird noise," my mom asked, completely unaware of the implications of her request.

"I can do that for you, Mom," Brandon interjected, his mouth full of food.

"But an actual mechanic would have more expertise," my mom argued. "Aren't you two in the same grade?"

"Yes, we are," Greyson answered, turning to Brandon. "You're a great quarterback, I've seen you play at the games."

Brandon let out a mocking laugh. "Yeah? And what do you know about football?" His tone dripped with rudeness, but Greyson handled the situation with unexpected composure.

"I know quite a lot. I don't play anymore, but I still watch it." His attempt to diffuse the tension was evident, but Brandon remained dismissive.

"I have homework and studying to do. I'm going upstairs." He shot me a death glare, undoubtedly blaming me for bringing his drug dealer, home for dinner.

I knew Brandon was probably just going upstairs to play video games. He hated studying and always found girls at school who would let him copy their homework and he just wanted away from us.

My mom glanced sympathetically at Greyson. "I'm sorry about Brandon. He's been under a lot of pressure lately with football, college, and finals..."

He flashed my mom a million-dollar smile. "It's okay, I understand. Senior year is always quite hectic."

"Yes, it is," my mom agreed, taking a bite of her spaghetti. "So, what do your parents do?"

My heart sank as he cleared his throat, his expression shifting slightly. "I've been on my own since I was 15. My parents sort of abandoned me. I never even met my dad, and my mom is across the country in Florida with my little sister. We still keep in touch, but I've been fending for myself."

A heavy silence fell over the table, as my mom processed his words. She finally spoke, her voice filled with sympathy. "What a shame. You seem like such a responsible young man, though."

"Yes, ma'am, I try to be." He replied respectfully.

Suddenly, a wave of nausea washed over me, causing me to put a hand over my mouth. The room spun, and I hurriedly excused myself, rushing to the bathroom. The sound of my retching echoed through the house, as I desperately tried to hold back the vomit. Eating had become a daily struggle, and I felt disgusting and embarrassed.

Amidst the sounds of my retching, I heard a soft knock on the bathroom door. "Honey, are you okay?" my mom asked with concern.

I was unable to respond, as the vomiting persisted. A sense of lightheadedness washed over me, accompanied by a dull pain in my stomach. The room spun faster, and darkness crept into my vision. My mom slowly opened the door when I failed to reply, and that's the last thing I remember before losing consciousness on the cold bathroom floor, faintly hearing the worried voices of her and Greyson in the distance.

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