Chapter 33

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The month flew by in a blur, and suddenly summer had arrived. Despite the hardships, I managed to graduate early, all thanks to my mom and Brandon's support. Leaving high school behind felt liberating, and now my focus was on finding a job.

I embarked on a journey, driving from one place to another, dropping off resumes and filling out applications. Greyson, sadly, had been sentenced to a four-year prison term for his involvement in illegal drug possession and dealing. He would miss out on most of Bentley's early years. The hurt and anger I felt towards him were overwhelming. He had promised our son a present father figure, unlike both of us, yet here he was, locked away and missing everything. I shake off the troubling thoughts, reminding myself to stay focused, as I pull up at The Barking Lot, a dog shelter where Jessica informed me they were hiring.

I gather my resume, step out of the car, and make my way inside. The sound of at least ten dogs barking fills the background. A cute boy around my age greets me with a warm smile.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" he asks cheerfully.

"Hi, I'm Mercedes. I was wondering if I could drop off my resume," I reply politely.

He takes the paper from my hand and shakes my other hand gently. "I'm Levi. I can leave it in the owner's office for you."

"Thank you," I express my gratitude before leaving the store and heading back to my car, driving home. So far, I've applied to numerous restaurants and stores, but deep down, the job I truly desired was one involving animals.

The following day, I received a call from the owner of The Barking Lot, Tom, inviting me for an interview. I ask Brandon if he could watch Bentley, and he agrees without hesitation. I rush upstairs to get ready, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

I quickly make my way upstairs, my heart pounding with anticipation. I rummage through my closet, searching for an outfit that strikes the perfect balance between professional and approachable. After several outfit changes, I settle on a crisp white blouse, a pair of tailored black pants, and comfortable yet stylish flats.

I glance at the clock, realizing that time is slipping away, and hurriedly apply a touch of makeup. As I give myself a final once-over in the mirror, I take a deep breath, willing myself to exude confidence.

With Bentley in Brandon's capable hands, I head out the door and make my way to The Barking Lot. The drive feels both endless and fleeting as thoughts of the interview swirl in my mind. Will I be able to demonstrate my love for animals? Will they see my dedication and passion? These questions fuel my determination as I arrive at the shelter.

Stepping inside, I'm greeted by the familiar chorus of barks, but this time, I'm not just a hopeful job seeker dropping off a resume. Today, I'm here for an interview. Tom, the owner, is waiting for me near the entrance, his warm smile putting me at ease.

"Mercedes, it's great to finally meet you in person. Follow me to my office, and we can get started," Tom says, motioning for me to walk alongside him.

I follow him, doing my best to suppress the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Tom's office is cozy, adorned with pictures of happy dogs finding their forever homes. The room radiates a sense of love and care, which only strengthens my desire to be a part of this team.

We settle down, and he begins asking me questions about my experience, my love for animals, and my goals for working at The Barking Lot. I pour my heart into every answer, sharing stories of my own pets, my volunteer work at animal shelters, and my desire to make a difference in the lives of both animals and people.

He listens intently, nodding and occasionally jotting down notes. His genuine interest and appreciation for my passion are evident, and it fuels me to give my best throughout the interview.

As the conversation draws to a close, he smiles warmly at me. "Mercedes, it's clear that you have a deep love for animals and a genuine desire to make a positive impact in their lives. I'm thrilled to offer you the position here at The Barking Lot."

A surge of joy and relief washes over me. I can hardly believe it – I got the job! Gratitude fills my heart as I thank him profusely. The weight of accomplishing my goal lifts off my shoulders, replaced with a newfound sense of purpose and excitement.

With a firm handshake, Tom welcomes me to the team, providing me with the necessary information for my first day. As I leave the office, the barking dogs seem to cheer me on, their collective energy echoing my own elation.

Driving home, a smile stretches across my face. It's a fresh start, a chance to build a fulfilling career doing what I love. I can't wait to share the news with Brandon and my mom, knowing that this job will not only provide for me and my son but also allow me to make a difference in the lives of countless animals.

After an exhilarating day, I arrive home to find my mom and Brandon both looking exhausted, their faces etched with worry. Bentley's cries fill the air, piercing through the fatigue.

"Hey, Mom, what's wrong?" I ask, concern evident in my voice as I rush towards Bentley's room.

"He's been crying non-stop for hours. I've tried everything, but he just won't calm down," my mom says, her voice laced with frustration.

I take Bentley into my arms, swaying gently and trying to soothe him. But his cries persist, growing louder and more desperate.

Throughout the night, I stumble through a cycle of feeding, soothing, and changing his diapers, feeling as though I'm running on fumes. The weight of responsibility and the challenges of being a young mother press down on my shoulders, threatening to crush my spirit.

As dawn breaks, casting a soft light through the window, Bentley finally falls into a peaceful slumber. I watch him sleep, my heart brimming with a mix of exhaustion and love. Despite the hardships and the long nights, I know deep down that every sleepless moment is worth it for the joy and love my son brings into my life. I just wish Greyson was here to experience it with me. I miss him so much.

In the days and weeks that follow, we establish a routine that balances caring for Bentley with my work at The Barking Lot. My mom and Brandon step up, offering their support and pitching in whenever they can. Sadly, Bentley and I had many more sleepless nights because my mom and Brandon have lives and jobs as well.

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