01. Her Loneliness

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❝ I feel as if i'm made to understand but not to be understood.❞


Drip drip drip...

The sound of raindrops falling on the ground was making a melancholic tune. It is a boon for trees, birds, animals, plants, and people during summer. It rejuvenates everyone by making the climate cool and pleasant. The fruits and flowers on the trees looked so fresh, colorful, and refreshing on the day.

Many people were drenched in rain when some children were playing football on the ground. In the monsoon, nature became very rhythmic as frogs started dancing to celebrate the charm of rain.

A girl near her twenties was leaning against the windowpane which was resting just beside her bed. She put off her round spectacle on the table.

The droplets were shooting the window like bullets. It flowed smoothly through the glass surface and made it more shiner.

She placed her head gently against it and took out her earphone to listen to some soothing music.

The window was half open she could smell the sweet earthy smell that was coming with the storm. A cool yet calm breeze was blowing and she could feel her cheeks were wet. Some hair strands were dancing across her angelic face signifying her beauty.

The day had a shade of blue and it was calming her. She closed her eyes as her head still pressed against the window.

Exhaling she smiled a little and lowered the glass pane in a way that her face was directed with the open sky above.

Each raindrop on her face were feeling like as pure as nectar. Each raindrop was like a pearl that cooled and tantalized her, unlike anything. Like each raindrop was bringing back her lonely soul and mind together.

Soft drizzles were draping everything in a muted air that inspired a sense of peace when big pattering raindrops were seeming like some sort of dance that was taking the imagination to a new place.

This euphoric atmosphere gave her an emotional response. A few cool tasty raindrops fall into her mouth and she swallowed them with a sense of satisfaction.

The effete drops were blowing down to gravity, just the way we do to destiny. Nature was looking so elegant and fresh as the grasses were lush green. She observed how a single raindrop was falling from a leaf then one after another.

As if remembering something she quickly opened her diary. Taking out a pen from a nearby table she started scribbling down something.

Dear Diary,

22nd July, 2021,

Today is my birthday. Huff! The worst day of my life. If I was not born, I would not be a burden on my family today. They deserve much better daughters than me. You know what I'm the worst. I can't be a good daughter, can't be a good friend, can't be a good student, can't be a good sister, can't be a good devotee too. Even I think Lord himself is ashamed after making me or else he never threw me into this miserable world all alone. I've everything but seems like still have nothing. What about my parents? Okay, they're-

"SIYA!! Come down, NOW!" her mother yelled from downstairs making her almost flinch in fear. She knew what was the reason for her yelling. After all, she was now used to it.

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