Bonus #1

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It was a chilly afternoon of winter.

Siya and Raghav decided to take a ride to the hills of Shimoga, to enjoy their weekend.

The orangish sky casted its golden hue all over the canvas like a splash of watercolor. The view in front of them was as mesmerizing as they just stood and admired it for a few minutes.

The cool breeze caressed her porcelain smooth skin and returned back to him; carrying her softness with it as they closed their eyes to feel each other's solace presence.

But soon enough their peaceful encounter shut down when they heard their baby girl- a cute dog they adopted whose name was Chicko, was crying, due to lack of attention.

He didn't waste a second to pick up her in his arms as it started swaying its tiny tail cheerfully, whining at them.

They started moving, cautiously putting forth steps to not fall. The rough surface of the big rocks prevented them from walking. With sweat trickling faces they forced their legs to climb up.

So sudden a low hiss came out from her mouth and he stiffened in his spot, abruptly looking back to see his lady knelt down on the ground. He didn't waste a second and scooped down to her level, scanning for any serious injury.

"I can't." she sighed, clutching her twisted toe with a painful frown.

Seeing no option left he gathered her frame on his back, guiding her arms to wrap against her neck so she did.

A tinge of pink dusted her cheeks to feel his muscular palm on the back of her mid-thigh.

She pulled Chicko up and tied her securely with her arms. Thus he started piggybacking his sun and moon joyfully. A content smile on his face as the settling sun kissed his cheeks, her serene face radiating glow as with a soft sigh she leaned more into him- heads softly pressed against each other.

Their baby girl was jumping in her arms delightfully as her furs were brushing with the rough wind.

As if Nature awed the scene and started humming for them. Their body gave warmth of love and they continued their walking, passing through all the hurdles and negativities around them.

As if silently promised to stay in each other's touch for the rest of their lives.

'When he's with me, my sun will never set.'

'When she's with me, my moon will always smile.'

As soon as the crimson hue of sunset left the sky, blooming the dullness with its slow, predatory steps- it was fully consumed by the thick sheet of darkness. Tiny twinkling stars started appearing like a hole and the most alluring moon took its usual throne like the majesty.

Being exhausted from all the climbing, they thought to take some rest for a while, as if the lush green grasses which were glowing under the sheer moonlight beckoning them by an unknown magnetic force.

He was the first who lay down, with his arms crossed under his head to support as she was still standing there, smiling ideally for the calmness of the adjacent, thanking the almighty with all her kind being.

Crickets were whistling when the fireflies gave the atmosphere a mysterious glowing vibe and it seemed like their little Chicko was busy playing with them.

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