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❝ One day there will be nothing left but stories.❞


7 Years Later

"Ek tha raja, ek thi rani, dono mar gye, khatam kahani." Siya narrated quickly to her 5-year-old baby daughter who was looking at her fondly to hear a good story from her mother. But her little innocent brain couldn't understand her Doctor mother was already late for the hospital.

"Mumma, Mumma... Who's Raghav?" Her sudden question made Siya stop dead in her tracks as she turned to her quickly to see her standing there with her diary in her little palms.

"Where did you find it?" Riddhi got frightened by her mother's cold, angry voice. She never talked with her like this.

"Rid, how many times I told you not to open the drawer!" she scolded her to which she hung her head down. Tears started gathering in her doe-shaped eyes as few drops slid to the ground. She wasn't used to her mother's harsh behavior. If only she knew her curiosity hit back at her like this.

Siya heaved a deep sigh and kneeled to Rid's level, lifting her chin to meet her swollen eyes. She hugged her close to her chest and cooed to her, "I'm sorry baby. Mumma wasn't in the right state then. Promise me you won't ask me about this again?" Feeling her mother's loving touch she instantly forgot about that and nodded her head like an obedient child. She kissed her cheeks softly before waving her goodbye.

Loving someone with all your heart isn't a sin right? Then how can it be a sin when they break your heart and you start hating them?

That was what Siya was feeling at that time. After all those years she tried countless of times to forget about him. But did she succeed?

Unfortunately, No.

He was in her dreams, in her mind, in her diary, deep down in her... heart may be where the vague fog of hatred had enshrouded.

Her phone buzzed as she smiled to see the caller ID,

"Mrs. Mrinal Siya Singhania, mind tell me what took you so long to reach here?" His husband's voice chirped from the other side. It had been six years since they got married. Though Siya didn't want to, her parents forced her, and upon noticing his loyal side she didn't deny it.

He knew her relationship with Raghav. Even he was shocked to hear Raghav could do such horrible things as they were close back at the campus.

He said he loved her present, not her past. He loved her with all he had, there was no doubt about it. Siya too said she loved him. But did she? There was everything in her life but something felt lacuna.

"I'm on my way. Just traffic problem," she answered.

"Don't be late. I'm waiting, love." she declined the call and thought of choosing the shortcut path which would lead from across the forest.

Speeding the car through the desolation road she watched as the green trees moved past by as if competing with her. The clouds above darkened a little, forecasting it would be raining now or then. It felt like the time trickling very slowly.

The car jerked forward for her sudden break and her heartbeat accelerated to watch a person run in front; almost crashing under her car.

She quickly came out to see a man with a shaggy beige-colored shawl wrapped around, darkish brown messy hair started growing white, wearing a dirty, torn shirt-pant, his face covered with unshaped moustache and beard to which he was mostly unrecognizable.

"Are you goddamn blind or what? Can't you see such a big object was coming? What if something happened to you?" She was no more than quiet and innocent Siya, her heart grew cold.

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