15. Time Goes On

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❝ Our last goodbye was never said.❞


3 years later

Siya's POV,

"... and I left him." unintentionally a tear slipped from my eyes as I looked at Natasha who had been listening to me; now heaved a sigh.

"You loved him?" I stiffened in my seat- the question which had been haunting me for the past three years.

Maybe not or maybe yes! But I didn't care anymore. Love him now would be like finding an Oasis in the desert- we've no idea about its existence.

It wasn't that easy for me to convince my heart that we were meant to meet but not to be. The more I used to think about him, the more I felt guilty.

I moved on from Bangalore after qualifying NEET and settled here in Delhi with my best friend Natasha.

I thought after opening up to her the weight in my heart would be lessened a bit but I was wrong as the memories came crashing down like tidal waves into my mind once again.

He was a renowned doctor now, living in Germany. At this young age, he won many people's hearts and I never felt this much happy in my life before.

Once when he came to give his interview, I saw the glint of contentment in his appearance, the amusement in his voice. He became more mature, more handsome now, not the before one who used to pee in pants after seeing the bad boys.

Maybe he forgot about me and moved on with someone compatible with him. After all, there were many beautiful girls there unlike me, right?

Did he really forget me?

The thought itself created such havoc inside my chest as more tears started spilling out from my eyes without me noticing.

Just when I felt a hand over my shoulder and soon engulfed in a bear hug. Natasha patted my back as I gave myself to rest in her comforting arms for some time before pulling back.

I was aware of the pain and the painkiller too, so I took out the Radhakrishna locket from my shirt- Raghav gifted me on my first birthday.

I kissed it softly, shoving it back inside again.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Does he remember it?

"Ab don't kidding with me Siya, I can see how much you loved him. Even aj bhi karti ho. Your eyes saying it." she nudged me by the elbow with a teasing smile before I slapped her arm lightly.

She was always like this, the exact opposite of me- extrovert, foodie, flirting, beat first then talk- in one she would prefer death without talking for one day.

But one thing was sure, she was very caring about whom she loved and never hesitated to kill if anyone tried to harm them. I very well remembered the day when she almost killed the guy who tried to touch me inappropriately. And I was blessed to have her beside me. She was like a pillar of my depressed soul. I could share everything with her freely which I never thought I would be able to until now.

Beep, beep...

My chain of thoughts were interrupted by the ringing sound of my phone. I quickly grabbed it out from my purse to see the caller id. Pushing up the green button I answered,

"Hello... Mr. Agarwal?" We both were working on his hospital with some more senior doctors. Next after this month we would be successfully able to complete our degrees, and complete our dreams!

"Siya, it would be glad if you both join us at tomorrow's banquet. Some senior doctors will come to meet and look after the medical field. I'm sure they'll be happy with your skills. I hope you'll come."

"Sure Sir. We'll be the ones glad."

"Okay. Goodbye." I hung up the call as Natasha curiously gestured for me to tell her.

"Omg! Wow! Then We can enjoy your birthday grandly there babe!" we chuckled together before making our way out to the exit door of the library.


Raghav's POV,

"... I'm extremely sorry Sir. I didn't mean to do it. I-"

"It's okay. Be careful next time." I replied to the shaking waitress with a warm smile before heading out for the washroom to clean up my ruined shirt.

I glanced at the mirror as there stood the person who was staring back at me- Dr. Raghav Mishra, who was popularly known for his kind nature towards people.

But did they notice the cold heart inside this fake charming face? The heart only could warm by her giggles. The only one person I loved after my parents; possibly.

I saw many beautiful girls throwing themselves at me but they never caught my eye nor did my beats fastened after seeing them, like they used to do for her. I thought it was what is called love. If not then I didn't know what it was.

These last three years I had been spending most of the time, thinking about her, crying silently, accusing myself that I was the one for her state. The hurt I saw in her eyes that day broke me completely.

But you know what, when there is no one to wipe away your tears, it's been better to let them flow.

I tried to call her umpteenth time, but unfortunately, she changed her number.

Tomorrow is her birthday, but I didn't have that fate to just wish her. I used to offer her favourite white roses under Radhakrishna's lotus feet on her birthday every year.

I remembered the locket I gifted her while she grinned contently. I never got enough of her that smile. Never.

"Wassup bro! Deep thinking I see." here coming the most annoying friend of mine, Jaden, lifting his arms around my shoulder, smirking at me as I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

He was there working with me and became my best friend in this unfamiliar place whom I now called a family. We lived together in our apartment for the past two years.

"You aren't saying what or whom 'bout you're thinking."

"Is it my sister-in-law?" Like what I told you.

"Shut up and let me go or I'll miss the flight for you," I said pushing him lightly before turning to the exit as I watched him look over at me in disbelief and I smirked in victory.

Later then my driver drove me off to the airport and greeted me politely before I headed towards the entrance to catch the plane.

After about half an hour our plane took off from the land and now I was sitting beside the window seat and opened my laptop to see our pictures for somewhat 12th time in the day, we had clicked together.

I smiled at how happy those days were, now only could be cherished.

Maybe we would never meet again. Would we?

Today I was going to return to India, my motherland, after a very long time.

I felt myself sweaty thinking about how I could control myself again seeing the campus where we parted, which was now just a memory that would become face to face with me once again.

I didn't understand why Mr. Agarwal called me so suddenly!

Was it anything serious there?


Mr. Agarwal is smart. ;)

Can you guess his plan?

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