12. Am I Falling?

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❝ We never had to force love, we were drowning in it, the moment we met.❞


People say 'Time and tide wait for none.' It just passes away with a blink of our eyes.

Seconds turned into hours, hours turned into days, days turned into months, months into years. And soon the time came when Raghav had to leave the campus.

Everything changed in this 1 year; everything. But what didn't change was their friendship, the strong bond they shared— rather it grew day by day.

She felt relaxed with him when on the other hand he loved to spend time with her. He was like the cherry tree of winter when she was the blossom in it. If he rained she was the earthly soil to enjoy its every drop. She's the summer of his winter heart. If she smiled then he was the mere reason behind it.

Little did they know it was something beyond just friendship. But did they able to realize it in time?

The front lake was as silver as diamond flame and the atmosphere was convent quiet; away from all the chaos and hypocrisy of the Shimoga city. Even the depths were crystal clear. It was soothing and yogi still. Freckled trout were leaping for flies and thunking on its surface. The setting sun caused a division of armed flies to swarm into the air.

It was dusk time. The sky showed hues of red and yellow and a subtle touch of the navy when Siya and Raghav were sitting quietly by the pond, drinking the heartful canvas.

Frequently he threw small stones into it nonchalantly while from time to time glancing at her oily dusted face— how some dry hair stands dancing on her cheeks smoothly with the span of the free wind. How her face was glowing just like the sun-kissed green lavish grasses; ever so softly.

Sometimes we can't realize our beauty which seems simple to us but you may wonder it can attract others who love us from the core of their heart.

The scene was so glorious that they two had a lightning bolt moment. The thistles pricking their legs broke their train of thought.

The damp grasses smelled utopian. It smelled like a sweet medicine, a potion for the spirit— indicating the autumn had just arrived.

"What do you think love is?" He sprung his head back in her direction, perplexed by her 'out-of-blue' question.

"What do you think?" Instead of replying, he questioned her back and wanted to know first from her so that he would gonna prepared his speech according to her point of view.

"Love is a rare thing, har kisiko nhi milta," she replied— her sight straight at the lake since the beginning.

He sighed before answering, "Well, I think, Love is like a migratory bird. It comes for a while to melt our hearts from the monster cold. But the truth is that its warmth can't stay forever with us. It flees far away before we can catch it or feel it for some more time. Only their memory left with us which we can cherish for the rest of our life."

She looked at him. She could feel the words that line held, the emptiness of his heart. It's not that she didn't know about his grief from his past. She consoled him many times but it felt like there were still some vacant places between them to heal their wounded hearts.

She regretted asking him such questions. Yet she couldn't help herself from knowing that particular answer from this particular person before he left her forever.

"I'd never thought that I will do friendship with a boy someday. You know, I'd never let any guy touch or hold me; not even my own father and brother after I grew up. You're the first whom I gave permission. You're lucky mister." she smirked to lighten up his mood.

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