16. We Meet Again

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❝ You return like autumn, and i fall every time.❞


Raghav's POV,

Parking the car, I came out from it only to find the big hospital staring down at me as if welcoming me to an unknown destiny.

Since morning my heart was beating like crazy as I frequently kept my palm over it to soothe down the burning sensation a little.

My gut was reminding me that something big would gonna happen today.

Ignoring the thoughts I made my way past Mr. Agarwal's cabin as everyone greeted me back and offered me to sit.

Some of them I already knew whereas some were unknown to me as I shook my hands with them and introduced ourselves.

"Mr. Agarwal I didn't know Dr. Raghav Mishra is your ex-student!" One of the neurologists whom I assumed Dr. Prakash exclaimed amusedly to which he chuckled in response.

"You'll be more shocked if I say he's also my son." everyone gasped to hear him as we both smirked playfully.

We didn't tell anyone about our relationship as he always wanted I stood on by my own so that none could blame me as I was his son, he gave me all the facilities to achieve this success.

Did I already mention it how lucky I was to have him as my dad?

"Okay. So now you are curious to know why I invite you all here right? We got successful to perform a critical surgery by my junior doctors to which our hospital nominates in the top 10 list all over India and we have thought to arrange a grand feast to celebrate the victory with you all." we clapped and gave him a round of applause.

"Then It'll be a great pleasure to meet with the younger future of this country!" Dr. Reddy suggested as Mr. Agarwal nodded in approval.

Just when the clicking sound of the door being opened was heard revealing the familiar face I didn't expect to see or maybe wanted by the... heart.

Siya's POV,

I and Natasha paced toward Mr. Agarwal's cabin hurriedly as we knew we were already late.


As I stormed into the cabin, I could feel my heart skipped a beat to see the person sitting right in front of me.


Seeing him a wave of emotion flashed through my eyes and I panicked to what should I do.

His hazel-green eyes shone brightly as if captivating me, the color of his hair seemed a bit dark than before, and a small mustache appeared in between his lip and straight nose as his sharp jaw clenched, clearly trying to control the overwhelming emotions I felt too.

His flexible muscles tensed under the white coat he was wearing as he was staring at me unblinking, mostly boring my soul through that intimidating look.

I was so lost looking at those eyes which I was craving for these past three years that I forgot someone was calling my name and I pulled out of my trance almost instantly.

"Ms. Chauhan, have a seat please." Mr. Agarwal pointed to the chair next between Raghav and him as I looked around to see my other partners had already taken theirs.

Hesitatingly taking out the chair I sat down uncomfortably as the next thing I knew his Sandel wood cologne hit my nostrils, intoxicating my senses.

The whole time Mr. Agarwal introduced me to the doctors— I felt his heated gaze on me as I fidgeted with my fingers, too afraid to look up from my lap.

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