08. The Cockroach Trap

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❝ What you hide in your heart, appears in your eyes.❞


"I see, from the past one hour you've been praising my flute! Now can we?" Raghav who was walking past from the corridor along with Siya raised an eyebrow at her.

The corridor was quite silent, as they always chose the odd time when no one was around to disturb them. It was nearly 2 pm- almost everyone might be taking a short nap.

Privacy peeps.

The edges of their path were half drenched as the narrow drain was overflowing while the rhinestone drops of water continued to fill its desire by completing it more and more.

The opaque water was flowing through the not-so-scruffy drain like a stream, which made Siya jump out in excitement as she recalled how she used to sail paper boats during her school days.

Indeed the rain has a completely different aura- it can reach your heart in the heaven of peace or else it also can create a sad romantic feeling inside your broken heart.

So smooth yet so irresistible.

"What else I can do if your playing style is such beautiful!" Siya replied with a grin on her face. For the first time, she talked freely with someone, without feeling judged.

They observed every adjacent keenly as they'd been asked to remark any insects or plants or flowers or any living creatures except humans, in their way and wrote down their scientific names along with their body structure.

Also, they had to describe their different body organs, at the time they submitted their papers to the professor. So without wasting any second thought they made themselves busy with their work.

Their footsteps matched together as if welcoming them to their upcoming future. Their paces tapped on the ground, exactly vibrating with the same sound. The song of her anklets whenever she took steps soothed his longing ears while his sandalwood perfume gave her nostrils a feeling of the calming fair.

"Helianthus annus" was the first thing Raghav's eyes caught when Siya was busy noting it in a classmate's copy by the pen.

"Done." as soon as she replied, they again continued their journey. He used to glance at the area while her task was only penned down.

"Metaphor Posthuma"


"Pila globosa"




"Funambulus pennant"




"Jasminum polyanthum"


"Periplaneta americana"

As soon as the name slipped from his tongue, she stopped abruptly. The pen from her hand suddenly slipped, making Raghav cast a glance at her stunning figure.

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