17. The Kiss

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❝ Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you, i had no control over.❞


The clapping sound came to a halt when they watched Siya run down from the stage with watery eyes, forcing a tight lip smile on everyone.

She ran and ran and ran. As far as her legs were carrying her as she could hear the faint yells of Raghav who chased her behind to the narrow hallway.

She halted in her steps when Raghav yanked her arm causing her to jerk back and their bodies crashed against each other.

Reluctantly her palms slapped his chest when his ones wrapped around her waist to support her unstable shaking self.

After trying hundreds of times when she felt he didn't even bulge rather than the grip tightened on her more firmly, she gave up and looked at his face with an emotionless expression.

His minty breath fanned over her face as she struggled to keep up with her breathing system.

"Le-leave me..." with a shaky voice she whispered.

"Uh-huh... first answer my question." he tilted her chin ever so gently forcing her to look into those emerald eyes. The serene night fell over their faces like an illuminated sheet making them intoxicated with each other's presence.

"Why did you leave me?" he questioned, looking deeply into her eyes; searching for an answer.

"I-i don't know," she whispered as a tear splashed from her eyes only to disappear over his shirt leaving a mark there like the ocean leaves in the sand.

"But I know." came his instant answer before he captured her honey lip with his; moving against ever so gently as if he was pouring all the love through it, all the unspoken truth he wanted to say.

He was confident in what he was doing. Perhaps noticing the puffy red eyes of her after meeting with him; he understood she felt the same way or much more than him.

She was startled at first by his sudden act but found herself slowly drowning in the pool of ecstasy as his lips felt so soft like it was just made for her.

His touch created sparks between her legs; erupted thousands of butterflies into her stomach.

The burning passion in his heart exploded when he felt her responding to him equally as his confidence grew and the kiss turned into a heated one when their tongues collided with each other, fighting for the dominance, showing all the loneliness of the past three years.

This seemed so insanely beautiful to them, felt wrong and right at the same time.

His one hand wrapped around her waist while the other firmly pressed against her nape to deepen the kiss while her arms pulled his neck.

Eyes closed, body shaking as their unfathomable beats mixed with the cool breeze coming from the window, witnessing their unbreakable bond exactly how the sheer moonlight touching the lake.

Being breathless they separated for some air; only to rest their forehead against each other, trying to comprehend the pace of their chest.

"This thing which was never happened between us until now- the only reason you left me, never responded to my calls, ignored me. Isn't it Siya? Now, what will you do when you've to face me all the time after 'this thing' which happened between us just a minute ago?" he mouthed, looking at her flushed face as a smirk formed over his lips.

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