02. Flute Vs Guitar

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❝ Something about you made me feel a little more alive and a far less lost.❞


"Here is your appointment letter, from tomorrow you'll be a part of St. Allen Career Academy to complete your NEET coaching classes." Saying, her father gave her a letter.

They completed their breakfast and that day passed away as usual.

In the morning Siya would've to go to the hostel at 6:30 am sharp. So that night she should doze off early than others.

Thinking about her first day at a hostel she became tense. As it would be the first for her to stay away from her parents and be a nerd she didn't even know how to treat or talk with strangers, especially boys. She was also scared due to ragging problems that she would probably have to face on campus. Though she prepared a speech to introduce herself in front of everyone, in the end, she was just messing up everything.

'What if I stutter?'

'They'll surely make fun of me.'

'Hey Radhe, what'll I do if any boy tries to humiliate me?'

'I don't even have the guts to raise my voice against them!'

'How the professor will be?'

'Will she or he teaches me politely or scolds me unnecessarily in front of everyone?'

These questions kept running in her mind and she continuously turned from side to side on the bed in anxiety.

Thinking about the next day, she didn't realize when sleep engulfed her.


"Hurry up! The Cab has come." Her parents yelled for Siya and soon she came out of her room with her luggage. Securing the things carefully on the car they settled themselves in it.

During the whole journey, Siya's heart was pounding so hard as if it would burst out at any moment. She silently closed her eyes and started calming herself with some comforting words. But her marathon didn't want to stop at that moment. She looked at the sky from the window and chanted Radha Radha to divert her mind.

After exactly 3 hours of driving, they finally reached their destination.

At first, they went to the head office to meet Chancellor Mr. Agarwal. Siya politely greeted him and after a few questions, they headed to the dorm. The receptionist gave them her room keys. After confirming her proper security her parents sighed in relief.

"Take care, okay beta? Don't mess with any boys. Or yes, always concentrate on your studies. If any queries inform Mr. Agarwal. We both know him well. He'll surely help you." her mother advised her and kissed her lovingly on her forehead. Siya hugged her mother and they bid her goodbye.

After they left, Siya took a glance at her new room. There were two beds- one for her and another for her roommate might be. She sighed in relief as she had not to stay with a guy as she knew her parents themselves chose the room.

Putting off her spectacle she started unpacking her staff. After done she took a warm shower to cool her tired muscles. After that, she changed herself into a comfy outfit.

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