11. Late Night Studies

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❝ In life, i surround myself with those who light my path, whether it's fireflies or someone close to my heart.❞


Satisfying; after a good session with their practical works being submitted, they sighed in relief that it had been completed before the last date.

The principal along with Mr. Agarwal, praised their work as their hopes were increased— to see them with the finest rank in the NEET examination in the future.

Teachers stand for three words— friend, philosopher, guider. And they proved it gradually, amusing Siya the most.

"We finally did it Siya!" Excitement was visible in Raghav's voice.

"Yes! And thank you for being there by my side in this project. Without your help it would be surely difficult for me to handle it all alone." her eyes glistened with contentment while he just smiled.

They were wandering around, discussing the lessons for their upcoming test exams when someone abruptly stood in front of them, blocking their path in the playground.

The most familiar look— wearing a jet black jersey, a red satin cloth tied on the forehead while Danish was chewing a piece of gum and bouncing the basketball on his hands frequently.

Siya made a disgusted look and turned her head to another side to avoid his gaze when he opened his mouth,

"So... what's your answer baby girl?"

"I have a particular name for hell's sake!"

"But I love to call you by this, baby girl."

"Leave us, we're in hurry."

"Oh c'mon! you're rejecting the heartthrob of this hostel!" she tried to get away from his mockery laugh but he again blocked her path without noticing someone's knuckles were tightening.

"Now don't say that you aren't interested to spread your legs for me baby girl. Don't worry, I won't reveal your dirty secret to anyone. Just co-"

A tight slapping sound caught everyone's attention as Danish rubbed his now swollen cheeks which were now turned immensely red due to the action.

Siya virtually patted her back in confrontation though her hand was paining because she never raised her hands against someone— usually, people did it with her.

But Danish being Danish! He wouldn't protest anything, was it even possible?

He uplifted his hands; only to land them hard on her soft ones.

But before his hand could touch her, a strong hand caught hold of his wrist abruptly and twitched it making him hissed in pain.

Siya never felt this shocked in her whole life to see a different side of Raghav standing before her like a mother protecting her child from danger if it's cost her life too. It was the same Raghav whom she had been thought of funky for so long. The one who got afraid to take a glance at Ra-One's eyes properly. The one who used to be beaten up but didn't protest for once. The one who would easily admit his defeat when he knew he was the actual conqueror. God knew what magic was done today that changed his demeanor upside down. However, it was indeed great for him; for himself.

"Lullaby gets some guts to argue with his Daddy!" Danish mocked him while swelling his gum. He noticed how his eyes appeared with a red tint— which quite surprised him.

"Listen Danish, I've never protested you before for using vulgar words against girls because I knew they wanted that as much as you wanted. But today you're forcing a girl, which is illegal for your so-called kind information. And as far as I've learned, men's masculinity is developed by respecting girls, not humiliating them without their consent. So stay away from Siya or I will not hesitate to take the darn step by informing Mr. Agarwal about this." Raghav warned him eye to eye as Vicky and Rohan too joined Danish— ready to start a fight.

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