18. The Truth

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❝ I guess our story ends here.❞


Raghav's POV,

I was sitting on my chair and going through some documents of the next surgeries when Siya barged into my cabin with a horrified look on her face. I rushed towards her as she put her hands in mine.

"Siya! What happen? Are you okay?" I handed her a glass full of water after settling her in a chair and she gulped it in one go. My heart beating wildly into my chest as if it would come out now or then.

After I rubbed her back and she calmed down a little, I bent down to her level. Putting my index finger under her chin I urged until she looked back at me with her tear-stained eyes. My heart clenched to see her in pain— like the day I saw her leaving.


"Who Siya?"

"H-he Da-danish... he'll ki-kill you.." saying this she covered her face with her palms as numerous sobs came after and I frowned.

What was he doing here?

"Siya. Siya, he can't do anything! It must be a joke to scare you. Bel-"

"NO! HE WASN'T JOKING... he was se-serious..."

Why was he scaring her? What was his problem now?

"Tell me what happened between you and him," I asked her as she finally looked up at me, preparing how to start.

"I was returning by the hallway after cleaning a newborn, that's when..."


Siya was too busy with her thoughts that she didn't catch someone following her.

Before she could take a turn she was yanked to a nearby door as the stranger put a palm over her mouth to muffle her scream.

She looked over to see Danish was smirking down at her and was gripping her waist tightly. She gave him a very angry look and eyed to where he was holding her.

He left her only to cage her by putting his arms over the door, intensely staring at her lips. But when he was about to put his finger on it she removed her face to another side only causing him to let out a dark chuckle.

"What.do.you.want?" she asked him through gritted her teeth as calmly as possible.

"You." her eyes widened to hear him as she tried to move from there by pushing his chest but he caught hold of her wrist and pulled her body closer to him.

"Leave me or else I'll scream!" she threatened to which he just shrugged carelessly.

"Don't you want to know who send you and Raghav's picture to your parents, babygirl?" Though she cringed to hear the name, her curiosity told her to listen.


"It was me." she gasped.

"Yes! It was me who clicked your pictures and edited them as intimate as possible. Don't you think I'm such a great editor?" He faked collared himself as she just scoffed at his words.

Tears started gathering in her eyes after remembering that incident. It was him who did it all, the reason for their separation. What else she could expect from this bastard.

"No! I'm not finished yet. I'm not a stupid doctor Siya. I'm in the mafia you know? In a disguise of doctor only to keep an eye on both of you."

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