19. Just Us

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❝ You touched the place in my heart where love runs wild.❞


"Yeah. Right there." Raghav was busy instructing Siya about the surgery— how to do it more simply without causing heavy pain and life risk.

Though she had enough knowledge about it; his skills amazed her— being a cardiologist how could he manage to do such stunts as a Gynecologist too?

She couldn't help but felt low about herself and proud of him at the same time. It was of no use to compare herself with him. And she loved every inch of it, every inch of him.

"...are you even listening to me?" Raghav furrowed his one perfectly shaped brows at her as she smiled at him sheepishly, promising to be concentrated this time.

After completing their discussions they came out of the morgue with Raghav in front followed by Siya behind him.

"You know the first time when I came here how I felt?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side of his shoulder, still focusing ahead.

"What was it?"

"It felt like something unusual was inside there. Some scratching noises were coming. I felt very uncomfortable."


"A disgusting smell was coming from the back door."


"At first I thought it must be someone forgot the acid bottle there."


"I sensed someone's presence behind me..."

"Then?" Her voice sounded faint this time as a frown covered his face to think she might not take the topic seriously and was mocking him. But when he turned to look at her his heart skipped a beat.

She was nowhere to be seen.

"Siya!" Raghav yelled, panic aroused from his heart like a fish being lifted out from the water and he started walking fast, yelling her name again and again as much as his eyes could go further, searching for her whereabouts. There was none around the morgue at this odd time except them.

Sweat drops were trickling down from his forehead and merged under his shirt's collar— suffocating him as if trying to stop to go further.

"SIYAA! where are you?" screaming her name as loud as possible he kneeled on the hard floor panting hard for lack of oxygen. His eyes were burning with fresh hot tears; afraid of losing her again. He closed his eyes to stop the unfathomable beats of his chest. Just when...

"Hehe..." his head snapped back at his front to see a laughing Siya rolling back and forth on the floor, holding her stomach tightly as her eyes squinted together 180°, mouth hanged open for the reflection she was making.

He huffed in satisfaction to see her all safe but found himself fuming at how careless she had been a minute ago, scared the hell out of him.

She looked over at his face and seeing his cold expression she understood he was very angry. She somehow stopped her mirth and collected herself to look at his gaze as he stood very close to her. She could feel the deep breathing of his fanning over her face. Her heart was beating like crazy as she prepared herself for hard scoldings.

But it never came as he engulfed her in a tight embrace— burying his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her jasmine scent to calm down his anxiety-filled nerves. Assuring his heart that she was fine. She was here with him.

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