06. She's Different

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❝ A sky full of stars and he was watching at her.❞


Hey Champ,

31st July, 2021

I know you're wondering, why I'm writing so much in those days. Believe me, I don't want to do so but finally, fail by taking out you.

Do you know what happened to me today?

I met again with that girl!

After finishing my physics class I passed through the corridor to take a view of the garden, my favorite place! It's such a long time since I hadn't visited there. They must be angry at me. Hehe...

You know Champ, the flowers love me very much, mostly my flute. I never wrote you about it, but they're so surreal, that I can't even explain them in words. You'll feel so relaxed around the garden. I wish I could show you.

Let's come to the topic. So as I was saying, I was about to peek into the garden when I heard Danish's voice. Firstly I shrugged it off but then another voice halted me as I realized it was a girl. Sounding like she was in trouble! But why? Something seemed off to me and I hesitatingly took steps to the boy's locker room.

But the sight made me freeze. I saw there was standing the three and a girl, none other than 'her'.

Before I could realize what were they up to, Danish caught hold of her wrist forcefully and she flinched in fear. She was pleading constantly to leave her but that beast became deaf to take her words.

I don't know
I don't know
I really don't know...

A sudden rush of anger washed through my veins and I blurted out what came into my mouth first.

You know what, I told them that Mr. Agarwal called them in his cabin. I know, I lied to them. What else I could do at that time? I couldn't find any proper excuse except that.

She's different. Her eyes proved it all. I swear, I never see any girl hesitate to go with him, not at all on this campus. She's the first one who went against their deeds. So I thought I should help her.

I won't mind if they beat me up. Let them be. But I'm extremely happy to know that, I saved an innocent from the 'Ra-Ones'.

He closed the diary with a satisfied grin and put back the pen into the pen stand. Switching off the lights he stood beside the window from where the whole view of the city light could be easily seen. He inhaled a deep breath and let out a sigh.

'I ain't a person who deserves love.' his subconscious stated.

The rain had come to a halt for a while but the yellow light of the streetlamp was flickering as the heavy raindrops patted it continuously. He stared blankly at the sight as his greenish eyeballs were shining under the yellow light, giving it an alluring lime color. As if indicating that light of hope was still radiating somewhere in the darkness, which could illuminate his empty heart also.

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