07. Mr. Flutist

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❝ Thank you for being the reason i smile, when i've nothing to smile about.❞


Greyish-black clouds in the sky gathered up together as if forming a beautiful woman's newly opened hair. The sound of pouring rain was audible in the silent room as the small droplets of water rhythmically shedding down like a fountain dancing joyfully, from the top of the roof. The petals of the flowers were falling from the trees in such a way that it seemed like flowers were showering from the sky.

But during this heartwarming solace weather didn't bother the duos who were busy with their work like an ant carrying their food.

There was standing Raghav, peeking through some pages on a nearby bench while on the other hand, Siya was writing down something in her practical notebook.

Everyone hurriedly completed their tasks and already left for their dormitory due to heavy rainfalls while some of them were still doing anywhere else. So as being late just for few minutes they'd to suffer for this as the rain didn't leave a chance to fall.

The creepy silence increased between them while one could hear their heartbeats, beating each to each creating sheer music.

But, wait! As if someone was restless there!

It was Siya, who frequently raised her head to take a glance at him in her frightful sight. But unfortunately, her long eyelashes abruptly dropped when Raghav caught her red-handed for staring at him. Her soft cheeks immediately flushed into a light red color, resembling her as a 19-year-old Snow White.

Poor Siya!

His face received a smile, a genuine one, which he had left long ago. A smile, with no evil intentions, only radiates through our hearts, like the sun shining along with nature's sky. A smile so effortless. A smile that makes us more beautiful. A smile that feels us both, content and jolly, at the same time. A smile was given by this girl.

Siya slowly lifted her head again to check if he was still staring at her or not. But to her relief, his back was facing her and she left out a desperate sigh.

She admired how his brownish curly hair was tied back messily by the hairband while his backpack was resting on the table beside the white files. She tried to talk with him and apologized for not replying with a 'thanks' on that day, but due to extreme shyness and lack of socializing manners, she involuntarily failed to do so.

'What he might be thought about me!'

He looked at her through the corner of his eyes and the very next second his head snapped back at her making her startled in her seat. He smirked and faked a cough while her whole face dusted the shade of scarlet red as the blood heated up the tip of her ears. She tucked a long hair strand behind her left ear and quickly covered her face with the notebook as if pretending to be read. She mentally facepalmed herself for acting such a nuisance in front of him.

But did she know, from whom she tried to hide her blush wasn't unnoticed by him? Of course, she didn't!

'There's one person who will surely come into your life one day who makes you blush by just only looking at you!' Carolus Linnaeus smiled at her from behind the picture of the book and again positioned his look-alike before.


The clinking sound of a pair of shining silver anklets filled the room as Siya took out her grandmother's last sign from the luggage.

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