05. Let The Heart Judge

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❝ The moon knows, whom i'm in love with.❞


"Electronic configurations describe each electron as moving independently in an orbital, in an average field created by all other orbitals. Mathematically, configurations are described by Slater determinants or configuration state functions. According to the laws of quantum mechanics, for systems with only one electron, a level of energy is associated with each electron configuration and in certain conditions, electrons can move from one configuration to another by the emission or absorption of a quantum of energy, in the form of a photon. Knowledge of the electron configuration of different atoms is useful in understanding the structure of the periodic table of elements. This is also useful for....." Amidst the students, the air conditioning room, silver-blue coated smooth panel, along with beige-white printed cold marble floor, echoed Professor Jha's highly executive accent while he pointed at the digital board and continued his lecture.

Scanning the room, you could see there was sitting Siya with her note copy, continuously rubbing through her slim Pierre Cardin Senate ball pen while simultaneously looking up to the board and then at her copy.

Disturbing her concentration some loose hair strands were tickling her eyes when she wrinkled her eyebrows and groaned mentally being frustrated.

Her glasses were slipping down through her nose as she occasionally adjusted them with her middle finger.

The class went on like this until the bell rang, signifying their break time.

It's been one week since Siya joined the campus. Though it was tough for her to manage in a new place, as time flowed, she adapted to it very gracefully. All professors loved her very much especially Mr. Agarwal. He saw her as his daughter and she too loved him more than his father.

Her mother used to call her and she was very happy to know her contentment but her father never talked with her nor did she. Sometimes she marveled how could her mother stay under one roof with a beast like him who used to come drunken every night and brutally beat her.

During those days, staying with Riya, hectic schedules, already erased the short encounter with him from her memory. But somewhere deep down in her heart, her eyes longing for him, to get a single glimpse of him. Why? well, she didn't know. Might be just an attraction!

Being the last date of this month, the students were given a holiday as their practical work would be started from the very next week.

Siya stood up from the cafeteria and decided to take a good walk to explore the campus as she never did so.

Walking from corner to corner her eyes caught the attention of a celestial garden in the middle of the hostel.

The warm light of the sun-washed the garden with a golden glow as the sugar-frosted coating of rain melted from the grasses. Crystal clear raindrops were dancing over the smooth sap green surface of the leaves just like diamonds moved over a red velvet cover. Birdsong filtered in an old melody while the frogs spawned glistening like mini-moons. None accurately described the wonderful, translucent way the roses looked and the color changes that took effect when the sunlight was shining through the petals in a way that made them glow. Buzzing bees surfed the open spaces from flower to flower, desperately seeking pollen. Add in the delightful smells that wafted through the moist yet soft air, the garden was truly a mix of fragrances that was brought alive by the sounds of nature and enhanced with colors, that only mother nature herself could create.

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